Chapter 5: Army Wife // "Would you go on a Date With me?"

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"You're like an army wife, now." Matt and Katherine's good friend Billie joked with a laugh.

Katherine, Karen, and Billie all went out for a night at the pub, much against Katherine's will. She was never much of a partier, but it was something to do, and she sure had a lot of free time on her hands.

"Yea, despite the whole he-could-die-any-minute perspective," Katherine replied lightly.

"You never know." Karen said, lowering her voice, "I hear the American fans can be pretty... Rabid.. Sometimes. Live over there in California for a bit. Someone tried to chop off my hair once!"

"Yeah!" Billie agreed, "He could be trampled, or kidnapped,"

"Or seduced," Karen added, with a dance of the brow.

Katherine's eyes widened in fear.

"Oi, Karen, don't talk like that," Bille scolded, hitting her on the shoulder playfully, "Those Americans have nothing on Matt's little faerie princess."

Katherine chuckled awkwardly, still terribly worried about the possibility that he might find someone better than her. He was a big star, she was a nobody. He could leave her and no one would blame him.

"You should've been there the day after he met you," Billie gushed, " We went to lunch and he was rambling on and on about this girl he had met the night before! How she was a sweet, and kind. How pretty her hair was, and how small and petite she was. How she was an actress, and a faerie! He wanted me to stalk you and find out everything about you. I'll tell ya, it was something odd."

"What? You thought it was weird for him to have a crush on me?" Katherine teased.

"No, no, it was just Matt. He had never come to talk to me about a girl before, and then, bam! You were all he would talk about." Billie explained.

"Oi, he even asked me to stalk you too." Karen agreed.

Katherine felt really uncomfortable, she knew her husband liked her, of course, but hearing Karen and Billie talk like her was obsessed just made feel... Weird. She didn't think she was the type of girl guys obsessed over.

"Stop it you guys.." Katherine said awkwardly.

"And when he first asked you on a date..." Billie squealed.

"Seriously guys..." Katherine protested. This was nice of them and all, she knew they were trying to make her feel better, but more than anything it just made her miss him more.

"He was over the moon!" Karen exclaimed.

"Alright, enough." Katherine said sternly, "can we not talk about Matt?"


It was the day after Matt Smith had come to Katherine's rescue, but everything was back to normal now. She left the studio and headed back to her car, when she saw Matt Smith! Again!

"What are you doing out here?" Katherine asked him politely.

"Oh, me? I'm just, waiting for a friend. My friend Billie. She's going to pick me up and take me to the pub." He said, taken by surprise. It was a lie however, he just wanted to see Katherine again.

"A girlfriend?" Katherine asked, as she unlocked the door to her car.

"No! No, no, no. Just a friend." He insisted.

Katherine laughed, "Well, I'll see you around I guess?"

"Yeah, absolutely," Matt said as she got in her car and drove away.

For the next week, Matt was out there every night, always claiming that Billie was coming to pick him up, and never having the guts to ask Katherine on a date.

"Tell Billie I said hello." Katherine chimed, as she walked past Matt and straight to her car.

He nodded, but as soon as she was out of sight, Matt would just walk back inside, scolding himself again.

"Meeting Billie again?" Katherine asked, but instead stopped walking, and paused.

"Of course," Matt said with an awkward chuckle.

"Mind if I come with?" She asked,

"You.. You want to come with?" Matt replied, surprised.

"Yeah. Today was the last day of filming, figured I might go out and celebrate." She answered.

"It's your last day?" Matt frowned.

"You blew it, you blew it!" He thought to himself. "Now you'll never see her again."

"Only a three episode season." She explained with a shrug.

"I... Katherine, I need to tell you something." He stammered.

"What's wrong?"

"I haven't been waiting on Billie every night. I've been wanting to see you again. I wanted to ask you on a date, but I never got the courage up, and now you're done with filming, and I guess I lost my chance. It was stupid of me anyway, I was behaving like -"

Katherine cut him off by reaching up and kissing him abruptly.

She pulled away, and looked at the ground. "I find your awkwardness adorable." She said quietly.

Matt stood there, stunned, and at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She apologized.

"No, no." He protested, and then took a deep breath, "Katherine Jennings, would you go on a date with me?"

She smiled, and took his hand, "Absolutely,"


A/N: So adorable :3

I realize now that this story is very very AU considering how Matt Smith is... -sob-... Regenerating D:

Can I just say, Billie Piper and her husband and their children are so adorable?! Gah! I think I might have a double date somewhere in here... Or triple with David Tennant and Georgia!

We just passed 100 reads!!! Like? Dude! Serious? OMG!

Thanks so much you guys!

I just...

I can't wrap my head around it!

Lots of love,


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