Chapter 1 - Who is this guy?

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Rayshelle and I walked down the dark roads. It was filled with solitude and creep, but I quite favored it. Tonight, there were more creeks and cracks than normal. Something didn't seem right.

"Jeriyan, its really creepy here, I think I'm gonna go to India's, Bye!" Rayshelle said cheerfully waving goodbye. I tsked and moved on,

"Damn Rayshelle, she be getting on my nerves," I walked down the path leading to Boom Town, and to Emily's, another one of my friends, house. The shadows were longer, the footsteps got louder. Suddenly, a tall figure came from the shadows. As his beautiful face revealed, you could see the bloody Chelsea smile that ruined its crisp, luminosity. He was clothed in a white jacket, covered in blood stains, following by pants as black as charcoal. He walked up to me and touched my brown skin.

"Your skin is so beautiful," The man said clutched my body close to him. He licked his bloody lips as I was sucked in to his intoxicating appearance. I recognized him, but could not remember his name. A flashback ran through my head like a stream of records as my eyes closed gently,

"I am Jeff, be ready to see me again, that will be the day you die!"

My eyes jerked open, wide as a porcelain doll. I remembered that today, I would loose my life and Rayshelle nor Emily would ever know. I screamed as Jeff raised a knife in the air. The knife fell with a clink onto the floor as Jeff loosened up.

"I can't......Your face..its too much....." He said embracing me. I wrapped her arms around him as he kissed my freshly moisturized lips.

As he let go, he let out,

"From the first time I met you, I knew you were mine." He kissed me once more and disappeared into the darkness. My heart pounded with relief, but also something more. I felt love for the man that appeared before me, strong love. I ran on the path pondering on what just happened. I knew he felt the same, I knew.

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