Chapter 3: Bye Bye

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(Im changing the whole story to jeriyans point of view: thanks!!!)

We ran down the streets as my throat felt chokey. The tears were coming, I just knew it. 

"Jeriyan? Emily?" Rayshelle questioned as we ran toward India's house.

"Ummm, what are they doing?" India snickered at our stupidity.

Behind us was Jeff. His flawless complexion glistened in the sunlight as he slowly wipped his hair. Rayshelle blushed at his sexy movements. My expression suddenly changed. No! She can't have him! She slowly started walking toward him as I grew angrier with each step. Rayshelle showed a selfish love for him as she did my brother. Oh, how I hate when she does that. 

I picked up a pair of lawn scissors, found in the neighbors grass and started to talk, "The way that you love people like that," I continued as Rayshelle looked at me, "its you realize how that makes you look?"

Rayshelle gives me an innocent face, "Jeriyan, what are you doing?" I raised the scissors in the air, 

"Anyone who portrays such self-righteousness deserves to be punished!" I said as India and Emily screamed. 

"Oh God!" Emily yelled as Rayshelle's head was smashed open, while her chest bled while she cried for mercy.  I stood there, still continuing to rip open the insides of the corpse, laughing in the process. Jeff suddenly grabbed my arm as it was raised in the air.

"Jeriyan, your behavior amazes me, darling," Jeff said as he pulled me close as if we were dancing. I blushed, blood mostly covering my face. He licked the blood from it and smiled, a real smile. I felt flattered at his compliment. Now in his arms, his smell put me into a coma of pure happiness. Making him happy, was the source of my happiness. He kissed my cheek and placed a pin on my sweater. Then, he caressed me in his arms and snuggled me against his jacket. He kissed my cheek and placed a pin on my sweater.  

"Jeriyan-----" Emily started to say as Jeff interrupts her with his hand.

"No," Jeff said quietly. I loved Jeff's attachment to me. "Are you Emily? Ticci Tobi has been talking about you, I thought you may have wanted to know that."

Emily's pale vampire like skin turned a bright red, "R-Really?? Thanks for telling me!" Jeff winked and took me away. 


Unexpectedly, I was in my bed, all clean, and almost as if nothing happened. To reassure myself that I wasn't dreaming, I picked up my sweater beside my bed and saw the pin. It was so beautiful. It symbolized Jeff, a piece of Jeff still in my life. So if the pins still there, Rayshelle is still dead, and there is still this wave of negativity over me. Good negativity. She deserved that more than anyone in the world. Whoever steals Jeff from me, will pay the price.

Jeriyan X Jeff the Killer SmutNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ