The sweet tune

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        Eyyy reader-chan I've been thinking non stop about this chapter and I finally got an idea and if you're wondering if I'm keeping everyone's powers hidden then yes I am cuz I'm evil like that ENJOY
Lucy's POV
   I've been wondering if Jitt was going to answer my question from before She got in trouble.

"Hey Jinx are any of you guys mages"I asked the purple haired girl. Her face went blank as if debating whether or not to tell me.

"Yeah I guess you can say that"she replied then put her headphones on signalling that she was not answering any further.

Then Jitt came into the living room from the kitchen." Hey Jitt what kind of magic do you use" I asked her. She stopped dead in her tracks." should ask Niza kay". She said before running out of the room to her's and slamming the door.

'Great I have to ask the girl who probably won't even glance at me' I thought as I made my way to their small but homely library to look for Niza.

She wasn't there, I thought this to be odd. I thought she was one of those people who spend all day reading, I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a sweet tune come from the living room.

Maybe Jinx just put her music on a speaker lacrimal, that's when I was met with a shocker.

I walked into the living room to find that Jinx had put her headphones away and Niza sitting in front of her. The sweetest tune was coming from Niza who was playing the flute while jinx was listening closely.

I was in love with the sweet tune Niza was playing, it was just amazing. I wish it never stopped but it did and when it did Niza noticed me and went wide eyed.

"What are you doing standing there Lucy". Niza said sternly. I was to shocked to say anything to her but I finally got my head on straight and said"I needed to ask you something" I said walking towards them." Jeez that Marth figure really did make you cranky Niza" Jinx stated.

But instead of Niza yelling at her she did something I never saw coming..she laughed"Sorry for being rude but when I can't buy my hero king I tend to get like that" Niza apologised.

" it's fine but I wanted to ask you if and what kind of magic you use"both of their faces dropped.

"Can we trust you" Niza asked.I froze what kind of question was that." Can we trust you " she asked again I nodded slowly.

"The magic council has been training to send troops to kill us because they want the number of slayers to be limited. So we had to live in the woods and stay away from the city. We are all slayers."Niza finished as I stood there frozen from shock.

"W-WHAT" I screamed making the two girls cover their ears from the volume plus slayer hearing.
I am so tired after that chapter plz comment and correct any spelling errors because the English language is extremely difficult for me with lots of love Queenoffairys ❤️💜💚💙💛

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