Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

John regretted having to leave Kate in bed the next day while he went to check on the animals but it couldn't be helped. There were no days off in farming, though today being Sunday he had slept in for an extra hour.

He considered waking Kate but he was so knackered from last nights activities that he assumed she would be too and so he decided to let her sleep.

After he dressed, he watched her for few moments before leaving. She was lying on her front, one hand under the pillow, the other sprawled out where he had been laying a few minutes ago. He had a clear view of her back since the covers were low on her hips and once again he felt a swell of emotion. She had endured so much, which he hated, but she had also trusted him with her story, which he loved.

Deciding that he couldn't just leave, he wrote a quick note and left it on his pillow before heading out to the farm.

When he got back just after nine, Lisa was home and smiling at him from where she sat on the sofa.

"Did you have a good night?" she asked.

John could tell that she knew what had happened.

"Yeah. You?"

"Not as good as yours," she teased. "Honestly, I leave you alone for one night and you're having wild sex parties!"

He wondered how she knew, because he'd closed the bedroom door. He hoped she hadn't walked in and seen Kate and her scars because that was up to Kate to reveal.

"What do you mean?" He feigned ignorance

"Well, apart from Daisy still being here, there's this." Lisa pulled Kate's shirt up from the side of the couch where it had lain all night.

"Yeah, well..." John blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed, I think it's nice. Actually I think it's about bloody time!"

"Oi" Kate said as she came down the stairs dressed in her trousers and one of John's shirts. "Mind your own business." Her tone was light though and clearly she wasn't offended.

"Well, I suppose it must be hard for pensioners to get it on, you probably needed all that time to build your strength up."

John smiled as he put the coffee on.

"Are you really all right with this?" Kate asked, turning serious. She had a feeling Lisa had been pushing them together from day one but she needed to be sure.

"Oh, I'm fine with it, I just hope you used protection and didn't get pregnant or VD or something. There's already too much gossip about you two in the town."

"Don't get cute, madam!" Kate admonished. "Or I may just turn into a wicked step-mother and make you scrub the floors all day, Cinders."

"You wouldn't dare," Lisa smiled. "John wouldn't let you."

"Keep this up and I might change my mind," he teased, clearly enjoying the banter.

Lisa boiled some milk to make porridge and they sat down at the table to eat. John didn't think much of it until he had finished and put his spoon down. Then he looked at the two women who were discussing the merits of the film Lisa had seen last night and he realised something, they felt like a family. He hadn't had that since he was a boy himself.

After breakfast Kate joined John as he went out to feed the sheep since she had quite a soft spot for the lambs, not that they were tiny any more.

As John drove the tractor back to the farmhouse he turned to look at Kate. She was still looking back at the lambs. She clearly loved the farm and he was pleased. When he stopped the engine he turned to her.

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