Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the break in posting. I hope you enjoy the new chapters and thanks for sticking with the story!

Chapter Seven

John came in to find Kate in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He came up behind her, put his arms around her waist and stooped to kiss her cheek.

"You don't have to do this," he told her.

"I want to keep busy," she said.

John sighed, knowing exactly how she felt. Lisa had left for Uni the week before and they were both feeling the loss.

"She won't be gone forever, she'll be back in three months for Christmas."

"I know, but that feels like forever. It must be even worse for you."

"I miss her," he admitted, letting Kate go and leaning against the counter as Kate served the food. "But I know that this is what's best for 'er."

"What if she doesn't come back? What if she loves Glasgow so much that she wants to work there?"

"Then we'll go and visit her but, Kate, she loves you, you know. Even if she does move away, she'll be back regularly."

Kate sighed, turned the gas off and leaned into John for a hug.

"This isn't fair, you know. I'm only 30, I'm far too young to have an empty nest."

John smiled at her moaning. Only Kate could make complaining entertaining.

"You'll be coming down with Alzheimer's next," he teased.

"Don't joke about that. Yesterday it took me three hours and a google search to think of the word 'module'."

John laughed and rubbed her back.

"Come on, we'd better eat up before it gets cold," he encouraged.

Kate pulled away and handed him his plate, none too graciously and they sat down at the table.

"You trying to fatten me up?" he teased, since this was the fifth full English breakfast she'd cooked him in a row.

Kate tried to glare at him but she was unable to and a smile turned her pout up at the edges.

"That's better."

"You! You think that all you have to do is say some cute stuff and I'll just forgive you and everything will be okay again."

"I didn't know I needed to be forgiven. And besides, it works." He grinned, clearly pleased with himself.

"Yeah? Well... Tonight we're watching Notting Hill."

"Oh no, please! I'm sorry, I'll never tease you again, sweetheart, but please, not Notting Hill. Anything but Notting Hill."

Kate finally laughed.

"You are such a dork."

"That's why you love me."

"It's one of the reasons," she agreed, glancing at the empty chair where Lisa usually sat.

"Would it help if I insulted you?" John asked, dead pan.

"You'll never be as good at it as she was." She smiled.

They finished breakfast and Kate offered to wash up while John got back to work. While she ran the water into the sink, he collected the post from the letter basket (bought because Spike had a nasty habit of trying to eat the post when it landed on the mat). He sorted through the letters, taking out the ones addressed to him or the farm and leaving Kate's on the table for her.

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