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As Kate topped the hill she turned and looked back at the house below her. John and Lisa were busy preparing the house for the party later but as much as she was looking forward to it, Kate had needed some time alone.

She had received word this morning that Paul was being committed to Broadmoor Hospital for the criminally insane after having been diagnosed with Anti-Social Personality Disorder, or sociopath to most people.

It was strange to receive that kind of confirmation today of all days but it was also oddly freeing. She was fairly certain that Paul would never be released and that she was now free to get on with her life in a way that she had never been before.

Still, she couldn't help remembering that her freedom had come at a price, not just to herself but to her beloved Daisy and Bess. They'd scattered the dogs ashes from the top of this hill so that both dogs could spend eternity on the fields that they had so loved in life.

She still missed Daisy and had been adamant that she wouldn't get another dog, other than the sheepdogs that John needed. Scruff had been found by the stream that ran through the farm. Cold and starving, John had brought it back to the farmhouse to be nursed back to health.

Kate hadn't wanted to love the mutt, she felt that it was a betrayal of Daisy's memory somehow, but nevertheless the small dog had worked it's way into her affections.

The vet had estimated the dog to be about two years old and a schit-tzu, jack russell cross. He had no collar or chip and they had been unable to find his owner. Knowing how busy the local shelters were, John had agreed to keep him, at least until he was healthy again. His coat was in such a state that he'd had to be shaved but slowly he improved and when his coat grew back it was actually very attractive.

Kate had kept her distance until John asked her why. When she explained how she felt, that somehow it was a betrayal of Daisy, John's answer was simple.

"You have so much love in your heart, I don't think Daisy would mind you giving that love to someone who needs it, do you?"

And so the dog had stayed, though he'd needed a lot of training before he could be let off the lead around the sheep!

Now as she headed back to the house, Kate gave two short whistles and the little dog appeared from somewhere and ran ahead of her, back to the house. He seemed incapable of doing anything at normal speed, which was actually wonderful to see since he had been so weak and pathetic when they had first found him.

Kate went into the house through the back door to see Lisa hanging streamers around the living room.

"You don't have to go to all this trouble," Kate told her.

"Don't be daft," she scoffed.

"Where's John?"

"Getting changed. I think he's nervous."

Kate left Lisa to hang her streamers and went in search of John. She found him in the bedroom trying to choose between ties.

"Hey," she said, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

"Which tie?" he asked, holding the two he was holding up and gesturing to the others on the bed.

"I don't care," she answered.

John pulled out of her embrace and turned to her, looking concerned.

"You're not having second thoughts, are ya?"

"No," she smiled. "But it wouldn't bother me if you turned up in a tuxedo or your overalls."

"You sure? You've been very laid back about all of this."

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