Chapter 9

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"Old Memories"

Confusion, a word that describes your disability on figuring out what the hell is happening around you or why it's even happening. When you don't have enough evidence for the thing that's happening around you or when you can't find a logical explanation for your surroundings.

That's the exact feeling that I was feeling right now.

Many things are wondering inside my brain from questions to their possible answers and trying to explain for myself that everything is happening or happened have a reason that I don't quite figure it out.

I remember father always telling me that everything is happening for a reason. If you break your leg then it definitely happened for a reason

I didn't understand this sentence before but when I understood it I didn't quite believe it. Nothing has an explanation right now, everything is so fucked up.

Years ago I wondered how will this feeling feel when I pass through different circumstances and maybe bigger situations and tougher. I hope I never wondered.

How did he even know that I was there?

A question that was rolling through my brain and going back and forth in my brain as if it was walking in a park.

But I was not in a park, I don't even know where I am or if I'm dead and he didn't get me out of the house before the bomb could be activated.

Confusion, again.

I groaned silently and forced my eyes to shut from the dim light that was entering the room.

A man was standing in-front of the fire place in my room ---I was still wondering how I got here safely in my room--- and tapping his right foot impatiently on the floor with his back to me and his hand holding a burning cigarette without bothering looking at it or at the ashes that was dropping from it to the ground.

The bed was slightly drowned from my right side from the person sitting beside me with his hand on my right should caressing it but with no sense as if the hand was doing this on its own and the owner was in another land wondering about his own conditions.

I tried to get up and be in a sitting position but couldn't.

I heard Anna's soft voice telling me to stay still and relax down on the bed.

I blinked my eyes twice and let out a deep sigh while holding my forehead from pain and tiresome.

Mo ---Who was the one standing in-front of the fireplace--- turned around while letting out a relieved sigh after putting the cigarette on the coffee table that was in-front of the said place and half ran--half walked to my bed.

He sit on the other side of the bed and stroked my cheek, the same way my father used to do. I shrugged his hand from my face and rubbed both of my eyes.

I heard both of them sigh and a soft hands grabbing mine, and putting in between them.

"Lillian. Sweetheart, how do you feel?" Anna said.

I pulled my hands from her and nodded sternly.

I looked at Anna with my eyes narrowed, wanting to answers of everything now.

She nodded slightly and turned her gaze to Mo, motioning him with her eyes to leave the room.

He got up from the bed and walked to the door but before he leaves he looks at me sadly with a sad smile hung up on his face.

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