Chapter Two

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They both turned in shock. "Sorry to break up the moment. Kyungsoo, Jongin, come with me."

"Shit." Kyungsoo muttered. Kris was the head of security at his dad's place. They followed Kris obediently. Kris brought them to a small, maybe 6 by 6 by 6, rusted box with 2 sliding doors. It opened and revealed a shiney silver interior of an elevator. They got in, in silence.

"Now that we are in private. I'm rebel leader Wu Yifan, or Kris. I'm taking you to meet the other 9 rebels that are starting the revolution. Let me see your arms." They hesitantly put their arms out. Kris took their arms and inspected them and let go. There was slight burn and then a tribal wolf print 'tattoo'.

"Welcome. Now that you have that mark, you can't leave, you can't betray us. You're a part of the pack, literally. Every rebel has been recruited for special reasons. Kyungsoo, you have extensive military training. Jongin, you have the power to spread a movement, you're the face of hope. Everyone know's you because of your parents. Now you also have, abilities, along with that mark."


"Jongin, you have the ability to teleport and turn into a wolf. Kyungsoo, you have an earth ability and can turn into a wolf. We'll teach you to use them later but now, we choose your pack names. You have to have new 1 word name to be addressed by in the pack. Kyungsoo, you'll be Do if you have no objections."

"Why Do?"

"Because, you answer by it due to training. And Jongin, you'll be Kai."


"It's because I distinctly remember you asking your mom to rename you Kai." The doors open with a thud.

"Welcome home." A tallish blonde male greeted. He had dark circles under his eyes but seemed happy, maybe sleep or stress related.

"Kris!" A shorter brown haired boy yelled. This one's eyes are very distinct. He has a slight '3 smile' and seemed like a puppy whose master just got home.

"Kai, Do, meet Tao and Chen. Tao and Chen, our newest members Do and Kai."

"They're cute. But are they good fighters?" A small freckled boy asked, he had an icy glare. The kind that could chill you to the bone.

"Xiumin, meet Kai and Do."

"Huh, i'm still not sure."

"Be nice Minnie. Hello, i'm Luhan." This one was feminine and looked innocent.

"Chanyeol give it back!" A short brunette boy yelled as a giant ginger held what was assumed to be a phone out of reach of the smaller boy.

"Chanyeol, give it back to Baekhyun and both of you come say hi to the new recruits." Kris scolded. They both ran over.

"Hey, i'm Baekhyun."

"What's up? I'm Chanyeol."

"Oh! New people! Hello! I'm Thehun." A skinny but tall blonde boy greeted.

"That's Sehun. But it looks like he forgot his retainer again." A medium sized brunette interjected. "I'm Lay."

"At leath I didn't forget my pantth, Lay." Sehun retorted. Lay looked panicked down at his legs.

"I didn't forget pants!"

"But you had to check didn't you." Chanyeol butted in.

"Uh no!" Lay defended.

"Oh! You didn't get to meet Suho yet did you?" Luhan asked.

"Um, no. I don't think we have." Do quietly said.

"Well come on." Luhan led Kai and Do up a set of stairs. "Poor Eomma is probably overworking himself again. Out of the whole group he probably wants to end this the most."

"Why is that?" Kai asked.

"Well, Suho watched his parents get slaughtered. He trained since the first day of the hell to end it. Kris may be the leader but Suho is the most motivated, that makes him second in command. Also, Suho was strangely the first one to have powers, that's why when his parents died he was taken in for testing. Over a year of pain before he mastered blood bending and escaped."

"Bloodbending?" Do repeated.

"Yeah, an extension on water bending. He's not proud of that part of his ability but at this point it may be useful."

"So what is everyone's abilities?" Kai asked.

"Kris is flight, Tao is time control, Suho is water, Lay is healing, Xiumin is ice,-"

"Explains it" Do muttered.

"Chen is lightening but is also the most wolf like, we're not sure but rumor has it he was a full wolf until Kris changed him, he used to be Kris' pet. Chanyeol is fire, Baekhyun is light, Sehun is wind, and I am telekinesis."

"Wow." Was all Kai managed to mutter.

"Eomma!" Luhan yelled as he ran into a room. In the room there was a black haired boy at a desk.

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