Chapter Three

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"Yes Luhan?" He said as he turned.

"Meet our new recruits! Kai and Do."

"Oh nice to meet you, i'm Suho."

"Pleasure." Do returned as he bowed.

"Capital boy?"

"Uh, yes."

"It's okay. I was too. You have manner's, it's nice for a change."

"You grew up in the capital?"

"Yes, my father was the General of the Army, or the GA."

"GA Kim Jun Minyon?"

"You knew him?"

"I used to play in his office when my dad couldn't watch me. My dad and him were friends."

"So you know what happened?"

"I heard he went MIA."

"No, the dictator murdered him right outside my house because he threatened to stop the dictatorship. Then he went inside and slaughtered my mom for not handing me over."

"I'm so sorry, Suho hyung."

"I'm okay. It the reason i'm in this fight. I'm going to kill the dictator."

That night Do laid awake. 'Why was my father so cruel?' 'Why couldn't I be born into a different family?' 'My family caused all of this. What if they hate me when they find out about my dad? What if Kai hates me? Why is Kai my main concern right now?'

"Do, everything okay?" Suho asked from the doorway.

"Uh yeah."

"No it's not, you're breathing strange."

"I was just thinking."

"About?" Suho asked as he sat on the bed by Do's feet.

"I'm going to help you kill the dictator." Suho look shocked at first but then a smile crept on his face.

"I appreciate it Do. But this is dangerous."

"No it's not. If Kris brought me in here he trusts me right? So you trust me too?"


"Well I can get into the capital no problem."

"Any of us can."

"I mean the capitol building where the dictator rests his head."

"I'm listening."

"I can simply walk in."

"That's not a good idea." Kris said behind them.

"And why not?" Suho questioned.

"Because if the dictator dies, the government will panic, innocent civilians will be hurt. Besides Do, they'll know it's you that killed him. You're too close to the target."

"It's better me than many civilians."

"And why do you say that?" Suho chimed in.

"Because I didn't stop him sooner."

"You couldn't do anything about it."

"Yes, I could've. My family caused this and so many people died because I couldn't end it."


"Yes. I'm the dictator's son unfortunately. Kris already knows this."

"I also know you have a motive and undying hate for him. That's my I recruited you. You so desperately want to end something that you feel responsible for when it was nowhere close to your fault."

"Do, you know you could have told us. No one's judging you."

"My dad cause pain for you and Kai! Can you two really look past that?"

"Of course. You're Do Kyungsoo. He is Do Byungsoo. There's a difference."

"I'm the descendant of someone who caused you so much pain and you can sit there and care for me?"

"Absolutely. Plus I can tell you feel so much remorse. There's no way you wanted those things to happen."

"Of course I didn't I was friends with your dad and Kai's mom. I'd give anything to get them back for you."

"We know Do. This is why you're different. This is why you are here."

"White team. You're up." Kris announced. It had been 2 weeks since Kai and Do started. Right now was training. There are 4 teams; red, blue, green, and white. Red consists of team leader Kris, Chanyeol, and Chen. Red stands more for destruction. Green team is more peaceful but still dangerous. Do is the green team leader, then there's Baekhyun and Lay. Blue team is nature ish (despite the fact that they don't have Do.) Suho is the team leader. Sehun and Xiumin are on that team. Lastly is white team, the unnatural powers. Tao is leader because of his wushu skills, and they didn't trust Kai or Luhan. As you could guess, Luhan and Kai are the other 2 on the white team. In this training (the main one they do), one team is the 'rebellion' while the other 3 teams don't hold back and go at their throats. It was all agreed to stop before you kill someone but the main rule is do not hold back, because the enemy won't hold back. So first to get hunted is white team. They were out in the outskirts of the slum sector, by the forest. They are given a 20 second head start. Tao instantly went on the offensive. He scaled a tree just out of the others sight. He broke a branch from the tree and waited. Just because they were sent in with no weapons doesn't mean that weapons aren't allowed. Luhan used telekinesis to move object to block his trails, he was basically untraceable, even his smell moved. Kai simply ran at first then began to teleport.

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