[1] First Days

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Hello readers! In this fanfic the OHSHC cast speak English and you speak Japanese, so just imagine that everyone can speak whatever and nothing even matters. Okay? I don't have time to deal with language barriers! ><   Anyways just so you know, I have some original characters (oc) paired with some of the hosts, so just be ready. Thanks for checking out my book!


~ <3  ~

Y/N L/N had just recently arrived in Japan. She had decided to live there for a year and attend a Japanese high school. Her parents/guardians had originally been against the idea, but eventually said yes when her god-brother and his friend (who is also considered her brother) had agreed to come too. Even though they don't even live on the same continent as her.

Today was her first day at her new school, Ouran High School. Y/N was excited to start school, but at the same time, she was afraid of meeting her new classmates. Y/N ran down the stairs and called her brother's names

"Dan? DAN!?" No response. She figured he must still be sleeping or something, so she decided to to call her other brother/friend.

"Phil? Hey... Are you guys alive?"

"What?" Phil walks into the room wearing a bow tie, "Is something wrong? Have aliens invaded?"

"No," Y/N sighed, "It's my first day of school and I need help getting there!"

"Y/N, you're already running late to school."

"I am?" Y/N looked at her phone, screamed a little, and ran out the door before coming back to say, "Where is the school again?"

"Um... Dan!? Where is Y/N's school!?" The two heard shuffling, a loud crash, and a few swear words. Dan emerged from the semi-dark hallway. Y/N and Phil looked at him expectantly.

"I'll take her," Dan said before answering Y/N's unspoken question, "I tripped over a box. Okay? Okay."

~ <3  ~

After being escorted to school by Dan, Y/N walked to her first class. In this class, Y/N met her first friend, a girl named Haruhi Fujioka. Y/N knew right from the start that Haruhi was a girl simply from the way she spoke to her. And Haruhi, realizing that she couldn't fool Y/N, told her about her debt to the host club and her job.

"Meet me in Music Room #3, we can talk more there!" Haruhi called as they departed, class was over and they didn't have the next one together. Y/N walked to her next class and sat next to a group of girls who were nice and welcomed her to Ouran.

~ <3  ~

It was Lunch now, so Y/N decided to go to the music room, just as Haruhi had instructed. She opened the door and recieved a mouth full of rose petals.

"What the heck?" Y/N spoke as she coughed out rose petals and looked around.

"Welcome," chorused seven voices together. Y/N turned to see six males and her new friend Haruhi.

"Haruhi-chan! What's going on? Who are these guys?" Y/N asks still removing rose petals. Haruhi sighs.

"This is the host club I was telling you about, " she explained, "Y/N, meet Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka, and Kyoya Ootori." Haruhi gestured to each host as he said his name. Y/N waved to the hosts awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you..." A few seconds later Y/N was exploring the club room and came across an ominous black door.

"Haruhi-chan?" she asked, "What's in there?" Haruhi was trying to calm down the excited host king, so Hikaru and Kaoru jumped in to answer.

"That," began Kaoru.

"Is the door to the," Hikaru continued.

"Black magic club!" they said together. Hikaru then pulled out a flashlight and smiled a mischievous smile.

"You shall now meet the clubs president, Nekozawa-senpai!" the twins chorused as they ran into the room and used the flashlight to make Nekozawa run out into the host club room screaming.

"Why are you guys chasing him?" Y/N yells at the twins, their game made no sense to her, she actually thought it was kind if mean.

"Well L/N-san," Kyoya spoke startling Y/N, "They find it amusing to use other's weaknesses against them." Y/N thought that was mean so she ran up to Hikaru and stole the flashlight. She turned it off and faced the twins.

"You're being mean Hitachiins!" she said. Y/N turned around to properly say hello to this "Nekozawa-senpai," but he had already run back into the Black Magic Club room. She sighed. She felt bad for letting the twins scare him.

"See what you did?" she told them, "You scared away that poor boy. He looked kind of nice you know!" The twins fidgeted a bit before apologizing to her.

Little did the hosts (minus Kyoya) and Y/N know, someone had heard what she had said. And that someone was Umehito Nekozawa himself.

"She didn't say I was evil...or creepy?" he wondered to himself before sinking back within his safe haven of darkness.

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