[3] Beelzenef's Adventure

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The next day, Y/N sat in the back room of the Host Club with Hitomi, Haruhi's girlfriend. She needed to know who was following her and why. So, she asked Hitomi what the best way to find a stalker is.

"Well, " Hitomi began, "Could you show me the item?"

"I would, but if you know who it is and you tell me than it isn't a mystery for me to solve anymore!"

"Alright-y then Y/N-chan!" Hitomi chirped.

"So, what can I do to find this person?"

"Just walk around and they'll come out."

"Why would they come out? Don't they not want me to know who they are?"

"They'll want their item back. Won't they? AND! When they ask, you'll see who they are!"

"I suppose you're right." Y/N thanked Hitomi for her help and went out into the schoolyard to search for the owner, or wait for them to some to her. Whichever came first.

~ <3  ~

It had now been two days and no one had come. Was this even the stalker's puppet? Y/N was beginning to think that she'd never know who was stalking her. Maybe she would have to deal with having a stalker forever.

And then, just when she thought there was no hope, when she thought that no one even owned this puppet, when she was about to give up and go home. Someone tapped her shoulder.

"What!?" Y/N exclaimed as she spun around to face a cloaked figure.

"That puppet, he belongs to me."

"Oh!" Y/N pulled out Beelzenef from her satchel and proceeded to hand him to the figure before stopping midway.

"..." the figure remained silent.

"Are you the one who's been following me?" Y/N inquires.

"Y-yes." Wait, this person looked familiar. Did she know him? Wasn't his name  Nekozawa? The twins had introduced this boy to her before in the club room! Though they were rather mean to him.

"And why have you been following me senpai?" Nekozawa tenses slightly.

"Well," he began, "You're different." Y/N was confused, how was she different from any other human? Actually, she felt rather average.

"What do you mean senpai?"

"L/N didn't run away before and hasn't run away today."

"Why would I run away" Y/N looks even more confused (if possible).

"Because I run a black magic club, I'm a Nekozawa, I curse people," Nekozawa explains.

"You are? You do?" Being new, Y/N doesn't exactly know the general opinions of the Ouran student body. Nor does she know what "being a Nekozawa" means. Nekozawa nods.

"Seems legit." Nekozawa looked surprised and Y/N just grinned childishly.

"How are you not afraid of me..?"

"Because my family is weird enough for me to not care? Honestly you should see what my brothers get into..."

"A-alright then Miss L/N." And from this day on, Y/N and Nekozawa (and Beelzenef?) were friends. BUT WAIT! Has she brought him home to her family yet? I think not.

The Dark Prince (Umehito Nekozawa x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin