[6] Magic (Part 2)

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KIYO'S ANNOUNCER VOICE: When we last left our hero, she had found that her friend Umehito Nekozawa was turned into a child. Will Y/N be able to reverse the transformation? Or will Nekozawa be stuck living as a child forever!? Find out now in The Dark Prince - Episode 6 - Magic (Part 2)!

"What am I going to do with you? if Kuretake sees you, she'll squeeze you to death." The infants face seems to pale at the mention of the maid's name and Y/N stifled a laugh.

"Should I tell Kadomatsu? What about Kirimi? Who would help us?" Umehito looked at Y/N, she thought his expression said 'ask your family.' She sighed and decided shed ask them in the morning.This was a sleepover and it would be difficult to convince anyone that she had to leave in the middle of the night like some kind of ninja. Y/N lied down on Umehito's bed, since she didn't know where the guest rooms were, and pulled his smaller form closer to her.



It was morning and time to ask her dysfunctional family what she should do to reverse whatever the heck happened to Umehito. Y/N dialed Phil's cellphone number.

"Please pick up."

Back at Howlter-L/N residence, Phil was searching for his phone which had mysteriously disappeared, Y/N had probably put it somewhere because she was upset with him for some unexplained reason from their past.

"THE PHONE IS RINGING!" Dan yelled from his room, it had been ringing for quite a long time. Ringtones can get irritating after a few minutes.

"WHERE IS THE PHONE!?" Phil looked in a potted plant, behind the couch, and in the trashcan.

"Y/N PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE, REMEMBER?" It's a long story, but believe me there's a very good reason for the 'fridge phone punishment' (comment for special chapter).

"WHY DID SHE DO THAT!?" Phil tried to recall why their sister had put his phone in the fridge as he walked to the kitchen.

"JUST GET THE DAMN PHONE." Phil reached into the fridge and grabbed his extremely freezing phone, chilled metal is one of the coldest things. It was still ringing.

"It's cold now..." Phil looked sadly at his phone.

"Answer it." Dan hissed before returning to whatever he was doing while the great phone hunt was happening.

"Hello??" Phil asked after hitting the answer button.

"PHIL! Thank God! So, Umehito turned into a baby and---"

"WITCHCRAFT!?" Dan cut Y/N of, his voice echoed in the phone so loudly that Y/N almost dropped it.

"What? No it's just that---"

"SORCERY!?" Dan cut her off once more.

"Shut up Daniel. Now, will you two help me fix this?" There was a pause.

"Sure we will!" Phil said and Y/N let out a relieved sigh, she had help now.

Soon after their phone call ended Y/N arrived back at the house. She had hid mini Umehito in her jacket and told Kadomastu and Kuretake that he had already left and she was going to go home.

"GUYS!" Y/N ran up to them, baby in her arms. They looked between her and the child.

"Wow, you weren't kidding, that's a real baby." Y/N facepalmed and shot Dan a look.

"Would I really lie about this?" Dan shrugged. Umehito looked at the much taller humans around him.

"So, what do we do?" Phil asked Dan. Y/N sighed for the possible hundredth time today.

"Well this is obviously black magic, we need to see a witch doctor, or a therapist, same thing." Dan stated this as if it was obvious.

"What? NO, what kind of idea is that?" If Y/N's glares could kill, Dan would be dead.

"You have a better one? TO THE CAR!" And everyone got in the car and drove to the 'witch doctor/therapist' that Dan and Phil seemed to know. Meanwhile Y/N held Umehito closer to her, afraid that the car would suddenly light on fire or some disaster like that.

Finally they reached a very old looking house and walked in. Y/N suggested they knock, but Phil said it was not necessary. So they were in the hallway now.

"Hello comrades," spoke a raspy, yet deep, voice from a dark corner. Y/N shined her key chain light in the direction to reveal a tall man with purple eyes.

"Uhh, hi... I'm Y/N!" She smiled and waved awkwardly. Dan sighed.

"Okay Ivan, you know what I'm here for. Right?" Ivan nodded slowly, a dark aura hovering over him making Phil and Y/N shrink back behind Dan, taking baby Umehito with them.

"Da." Ivan reached into his coat and pulled out a vile of strange green liquid. Y/N gagged slightly.

"That's it? That'll reverse this?" she asked Dan. He nodded.

"Ivan's never wrong when it comes to breaking curses." Dan took the vile and smiled at Y/N.

"Can we go home now?" Phil asked, he looked rather disturbed and there was a bit of fabric missing from his t-shirt. Y/N gave him a look.

"What happened to you?" she asked him.

"I've seen things. You don't know you weren't there." Y/N chose to drop the subject.

They arrived back at the house and Dan handed the vile to Y/N, who held it a ways away from herself.

"Give it to him."

"Okay." Y/N handed the vile to Umehito, who gulped it down with a strange smile. And then he started to glow, like a fairy you could say. Y/N set him down on the couch, and slowly but surely, he returned to his normal form. Then Dan and Phil left for something, god know's what, and Phil wished Y/N good luck.

"Thank you Y/N-chan."

"No problem Ume-chan!" What a lovely nickname! Y/N pulled Umehito to his feet and they prepared to go back the the Nekozawa Mansion.

"Say Y/N-chan?"


"Would you care to accompany me somewhere?"

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"Well... There's a carnival in town."


KIYO'S ANNOUNCER VOICE: And now, once again, everything is right in the world. Umehito is a man again! Tune in next time for The Dark Prince - Episode 7 - The Date!!

The Dark Prince (Umehito Nekozawa x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant