Chapter 1

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Blossom stood by the window. She couldn't even remember how she got to America. It was all just one long blur. From when her parents informed her they were moving until now. She worried about her old friends in England. They had been a big group of close friends since they were 11 years old. Which, for being 17 now, 6 years was a long time. Yeah maybe they each had a few arguments but they were as close as sisters. All 5 of them. Her, Abi, Sinny, Sara and Thea. Blossom hadn't stepped foot outside of the house yet since she had got there. Her parents had let her be, knowing she just needed a little time. She hadn't yet ventured in to the small town which they were in. Blossom knew that when she did, people would be staring. Not just from her English accent but from being new to a town where everybody knows everybody.

She hadn't wanted to be seen by anyone. Not just because she hadn't been able to stop crying since her parents informed her that they were moving but also because she missed her best friends. Blossom felt like she was betraying them if she liked the town and the people.

She sighed and closed her eyes. She could see and hear her friends crying when she left. She promised them that she would talk to them everyday on the group chat and that she would visit from time to time. Blossoms parents had sold their house in Bessacar, descaling from a 5 bedroom house down to a four. She hoped that her best friends could visit.

Blossom shook her head and moved over to the unopened boxes in her new bedroom. The only thing that she had unpacked was toiletries, towels and fresh clothes. She didn't really feel in the mood to be excited about decorating her bedroom, not when her best friends were thousands of miles away in another country completely.
She pulled her lip between her teeth and set about emptying the boxes.

First, she placed all the clothes in the walk in wardrobe. Jeans, trousers, skirt, drawers and shirts were hung up. Shoes were placed along the rails at the top and everything else was packed into the drawers. Next, Blossom opened the box full of hair products. She blew out air before grabbing everything inside and dumping it into the bathtub for now, it would have to be sorted out later. All the little miscellaneous items that made her bedroom hers back home was missing. Both of her parents agreed just to pack the essential stuff, the things that would be gravely missed. They later said that Blossom could buy what she wanted for her bedroom from the mall in the next town over.

Mostly, Blossom worried about starting a new school. They had been here a week already and she hadn't gone. It was Friday already. Her parents gave her a reprieve from starting straight away which she was grateful for. She still hadn't completely grasped the idea of being in a different country. It felt like just yesterday that they were a normal family living in England. And now they were thousands of miles away. They had gone through all the customs and airport security and still Blossoms mind remainder blank to it. She couldn't remember a thing. Or most likely, she just didn't want to.

But now she was finally ready to leave the house. Her parents had all but given up of her leaving it voluntary. Living in England, in a town where their was violence and danger gave her an idea of what the new school would be like for her. Blossom expected the cliques and the jocks, and the head cheerleader to be bitchy. Blossom felt that she was no means in competition to the supposed head cheerleader but she was pretty. And on all the American movies that she watched all you had to do was make eye contact and that's it. You were bullied for a year.

She knew from her previous school, that the easier the girl was, the bitchier and meaner that she is.

Blossom pulled her phone from its charger, checked the battery then put it in its clip on her arm. She plugged her earphones in and left them tangling around her jogging jumper for now. They're house bordered the back of the forest and she decided she wanted to go for a job. Blossom wiggled her toes in the running shoes before declaring them good.

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