Chapter 3

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Blossom bent her head and hid her smile behind her long hair. She knew that her cheeks would've gone bright pink by now. But she couldn't help it. Boys never talked to her in her old school back in England, and if they did it was just to look at homework or ask to borrow a pen. She'd never even kissed a guy before never mind trying to flirt with one. Which was what Devlin kept trying to do Blossom summarised. He kept whispering cheesy pick up lines in her ear and she couldn't help but smile and laugh a little at them.

After walking in late to the lesson and being quiet for a few minutes he finally spoke to Mrs Tilley, Blossom watched him as he whispered in her ear. She seemed to accept his answer and told him to take a seat. Blossom knew that the only spare seat in the room was the one next to her. As he walked closer to her, Blossom realised that he was taller than his Brother Michael by a few good inches. Blossom refused to look up at him when he stood next to their to be shared desk. When he sat down he still towered over her and Blossom could see his long legs stick out the end of the desk. She had to hide her smile when she heard him curse and shuffle around to get comfortable.

"Your in my seat" the words were whispered in her ear. He blew a warm breath through the curtain of hair separating them. Blossom shot her head up and realised how close they were. Because of the height difference between them he had to bend down for Blossom to hear him.

Blossom stared into his grey orbs. Mischief sparkled in them as a wicked smile curved his lips. He had the same dark hair as Malcolm but had it shaved at the sides and styled on top. It suited him completely. "I uhh... Sorry" she stuttered out. He made Blossom forget her thoughts. Blossom coughed when he smirked at her like he knew what she was thinking. Blossom pushed her hair back over her shoulder until it cascaded over her shoulders. She ignored the darkening scowl on Devlin's face and turned to the front as Mrs Tilley continued her lesson. People in the room kept turning back to look at them as they pretended to listen to the lesson.

"Fuck" Devlin cursed. Blossom wondered what was wrong with him then she heard laughing coming from the back of the room.

A shuffling next to her made Blossom look over suddenly. Devlin was pulling a jumper out of his bag. It was a dark blue cotton. The sudden warmth covering Blossoms shoulders made her gasp. She moved her neck quickly and looked at Devlin as he fussed with the jumped covering her shoulders. When he wasn't satisfied he pulled it over her head and manoeuvred her arms through the arms. Blossom sat watching him as he a look of deep concentration crossed his face. When she was covered in his jumper he sat back and released a satisfied sigh.

Blossom just stared at him not knowing what was going on. When she attempted pull the jumper off he quickly grabbed the bottom of it and pulled it back down. Devlin stared into her eyes with seriousness. "Don't...leave it on. Your top doesn't cover much and I would really appreciate not killing some bastard today. So please save me from a jail sentence" He whispered. His hands moved from the bottom of the jumper until they rested on her thighs. He smoothed his hands gently and Blossom jumped. Never being touched their before. He smiled softly but turned back in his chair until he was facing the front again. Blossom followed his idea and face the front again but she couldn't concentrate. Or understand what happened.

"In the next few weeks I'm setting an assignment. I'm not set on the date yet but make sure if you have a day off in the next 3 weeks to ask if it is set yet. Because if you miss the deadline you've failed" Mrs Tilley's voice echoed. Mumbling started just after she finished speaking as she handed out booklets.

The lesson began again as Mrs Tilley set individual work to do from the booklet. Blossom pulled a pen and a notebook from her book and got to work. She was on the second question when warm breath skittered across her pulse.

"Are you a campfire? Coz your hot and I'd like s'more" Blossom choked on a cough whilst Devlin exploded into laughter next her. People turned around to see what was happening but Blossom shadowed her face with her hair to hide her burning cheeks.

"Roses are red, Violets are plants, what are you wearing under your pants" Blossom chuckled at that. She saw Devlin smile to himself out of the corner of her eye.

All too soon the bell rang ending the lesson. Blossom got and pulled her bag from under the table, she was about to sling it over her shoulder when it was grabbed out of her hand and Devlin strode off with it over his shoulder. Blossom stood for a few seconds with her mouth open. Michael and Jackson laughed when they walked up to her. "Wh... Wait. Devlin!" Blossom shouted as she attempted to push through the crowds out of the classroom. She looked round frantically for him before she realised that he was stood opposite with a smile on his face. Blossom walked up to him and held her hand out for her bag.

When she did he pulled on her arm until she rushed into his chest. He moved them round quickly until Blossoms back was resting against the lockers and he was pushed up tight against her. Blossoms eyes widened when he dipped his head and kissed along her jaw bone. He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Leave your jumper on, this body is mine and I do..." His growled words were cut off from a throat clearing behind him. Blossom wasn't able to hear what he said but what ever it was it made Malcolm and Jackson smile and nod their heads. Blossom just stared at them in confusion. Blossom subtly tried to squeeze out of Devlin's grasp but he tightened his grip on her waist and crushed himself tighter to her body. Her eyes level with his chest. "You have life skills with Callie and Raina next baby, don't talk to any boys. Don't look at any boys. Don't smile at any boys. Don't take my jumper off. Got it?" Blossom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was he serious?. Devlin smirked at her before kissing her gently on the lips and walking away. She could hear him whistle as he did.

Blossoms mouth dropped open. Chuckling made her snap her next quickly in time to see both Malcolm and Jackson attempt to cover their laughter. "Wha..what just happened?" Blossom asked with squinted eyes.

Malcolm smiled wide. "Welcome to the family little sis"

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