Chapter 2

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Blossom hated starting a new school. She'd only ever been to one primary school and one secondary school all of her life and knew nearly all of the same people from both, but this school was in a completely different school. And she didn't have her best friends to rely on.

Blossom now lived in a little town called Ridge Pearl. A small town with a maximum of 6,000 people and 5 shops. The town bordered on Texas, so most people had a Texas accent. Blossom groaned when she realised that she would definitely be standing out.

Blossoms mum woke her up at 7 o'clock so she could set of to school for quarter to 8. She's wasn't really high maintenance. Her hair just needed to be washed and brushed and she didn't wear any makeup. Blossom hated the feel of it on her skin. It always made her feel dirty and her skin greasy.

Sitting in the principals office, he smiled at her kindly "You have great references from your previous school and very high grades. But my problem is that this school and your previous school is different. You will have to catch up"

"I will I promise" I interrupted.

"Very well, would you like me to introduce you to any girls your age or..." He asked.

"No. Uhh I mean.. No thank you. I actually already met somebody here Callie. But I'm not sure if we'll have any classes the same" I replied to the principal. He was a kind looking older man, with distinguished salt and pepper hair and twinkling eyes. Surprisingly he didn't have a beer belly but was quite handsome for an older man.

"Okay that's fine. So here's your class schedule. Oh and a map. Your first lesson is Biology with Mr Dorchester in room 287 on the 3rd floor. I hope you have a great day and welcome to Ridge Pearl High-school"

Blossom accepted the piece of paper that he handed her thanked him again before leaving his office. She clutched the papers in her hands before making her way to her first lesson. Blossom could feel everybody's eyes on her. She hunched lower into her self and tried to make her already 5 ft 3 frame smaller. The school didn't have a uniform so Blossom opted for black skinny jeans, ankle boots and a pale blue tank top with a black blazer. She wanted to look good but not stuck up.

Glancing around Blossom checked the room number again for her first class before climbing up the first set of stairs. The principal said that it was on the third floor so Blossom walked up a second set after that. She could still feel the eyes on her but it wasn't as many as before. This was the only school if Ridge Pearl so it was very big. Big enough to accommodate the town children and a few from other towns close by.

"BLOSSOM!" Blossom turned just in time to catch a flying Callie. She had a large smile on her face and it was infectious as Blossom found her self smiling back. Callie hugged her quickly before grabbing the sheets of paper from her hands and scanning it throughly. From the even bigger grin on her face Blossom guessed that they shared similar timetables.

"We have some of the same lessons. We have double biology together first. Then you have maths and I have French. Then we both have life skills. Then the end of the day we have Sports together" Callie practically squealed. Blossom was grateful for that, it meant that she didn't have to sit lonely in her lessons.

I couldn't find my wa..." The bell rang as Blossom spoke. She looked at Callie with large eyes not wanting to be late to her lesson. "I don't want to be late" she whispered to the taller girl.

Callie smirked but grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Mr Dorchester is an awesome teacher and he doesn't mind if your late a few minutes" Callie replied. All too soon they stopped at a classroom. The door was wide open and seats were already being taken. Blossom and Callie walked into the classroom together.

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