Jerry Springer (1)

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Shaks' POV:
I know Tasha's baby is mine but she still took a DNA test because I asked her to. When Seon became 4 months we swabbed him and the results came back.
"Well he's mine" I say looking at the papers. She doesn't look up from breast feeding Seon. I sit beside her and stroke his hair.
"Tasha...are you okay?" I asked her knowing her answer before she spoke.
"Yes shaks" she says with frustration in her tone so I wrap my arm around her neck. Her eyes follow my hand straight back to my face and her look was serious. I removed my hand and went to the kitchen. Sigh she's really serious...
"Are you hungry?" I ask holding up a bag of spaghetti.
"No shaks" she sighed and adjusted her breats to fit Seon's mouth. It's clear to see that he's sleepy.
"Tasha maybe you should let him sleep" I say drinking water. She doesn't reply. I go to the front and stand in front of her.
"Look at him Tasha he's bobbing" I put one hand in my pocket and the other holding the bottle up to my head. She sighs and puts away her boob and heads to the bedroom. I follow to make sure she tucked him in.
"Can we talk?" I asked her but she walks past me. I grab her hand and she turns and pushes my hand hitting the bottle to the floor. It spills and the water flows down the hall as my eyes pierce hers.
"What was that for?" I ask still holding her arm.
"Let me go.." She says and pulls away.
"No you have to communicate with me!" I say dragging her to the front and sitting her down.
"You're the mother of my child and whether you like it or not we have to speak for the sake of Seon!" She crosses her arms and looks away. I hold over her and turn her face.
"Please cooperate with me Tasha...."
"Only when it comes to Seon and that's final!" She says pouting. I kiss her nose and she rubs it off and pushes me out the way to go to the bathroom.
I sit and pull out my phone and text Becky.

Tasha's POV:
I go to the bathroom to pass water and fix my hair out of my face. I'm a total mess and I need to get my act together if I plan to be happy again..
I go to the front and turn on the TV to watch cartoons. Shaks is on his phone then he looks up and laughs at me.
"Why are you watching this?" It's Sophia the first.
"Because I want to..." I say looking at the TV. He jumps up and goes to the kitchen for the mop to clean up the water.
He then comes back and puts his hand around my neck.
"I almost forgot about what you did..." I try pushing it away but he hugs me tighter then pulls me to his chest.
"Shaks stop!" I start slapping his leg. He kisses my forehead and laughs.
"Don't you have a woman and child to go home to?" I say with my face against his chest. He lets go and gets up.
"I'll text you.." He says grabbing his stuff from the bedroom, he probably kissed Seon goodbye because he was taking awhile. He leaves and I shrug.

Becky's POV:
I get a text from shaks saying he's on his way. I cooked creamed potatoes and fish while he was gone. I put Allianna in her crib and take a shower. She's 3 months now and gorgeous. I hate when she goes to sleep because I like playing with her.

I get out the shower and throw on shaks boxer and a vest and sit in the front.
There's a knock and I'm confused because shaks has a key. I open up and I've never been so surprised!
"Becky?!" I hug him tight and laugh.
"Omg Snook!!" He laughs and hugs me back tighter.

I let him in and he sits on the opposite side to me.
"You still living here? Dang I know my man shaks done tapped!" He laughs and I throw a cusion at him and laugh.
"Where is he anyways?" He asks putting the cusion behind him.
"He's on his way" I say and we smile at each other like clowns.

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