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Tasha's POV:
"Well well well look whutt the wind blew across the sea" Becky says with he hands behind her back.
"Wait you know her?" CJ asks looking at them both.
"Know? Haaa no I don't know her but I do know that she's the girl who's been sleeping with Chris!" Becky says smirking.
"Your ex is Chris?" CJ says.
"Oh my God skippy try to catch up why don't chu!" Becky says rolling her eyes.
"Let's go CJ" she starts to pull him away.
"Nice seeing you hunnie" Becky says.
"Whatever hoe"....oh my..
"Hoe?! Says the bitch who was fucking her best friend!"
"Yah makes two of us huh?!" Judelle fires back.
"Now listen.." Oh dear. What should I do now?!
"Before you start acting like you know shit try confronting Chris about dem STIs he got on the DL"
Judelle turns around slowly.
"What tf are you talking about?" Becky shrugs.
"Ask him"
"I'm not even gonna let you get to me...CJ I said let's go!" She pulls him again.
"How bad does it burn?"
"Becky sto-" I begin but Judelle already throws her hand across Becky's face.. From there it's blurry movements. Becky's throwing her fist and Judelle's blocking her until she falls in the sand and Becky's on top just denting her nose like omg.... CJ hands me Lola and I hesitate before taking her and he throws Becky off his sister.
"What tf is wrong with you?!" He shouts over Lola's crying.
"Becky grow the fuck up!" He's really pissed and all I can do is bounce Lola so she quiets down.
"And Judelle you should have ignored her it's not like it's true" Judelle lowers her head and Becky laughs and walks away. I hand back Lola and follow.
"Cause she know I'm right and you shut tf up telling me to grow up I can say whatever I want whenever I want however I want!"Becky stops and says then continues walking.
"I hope you have his infection too!" Judelle shouts wiping the blood from her nose.
"Haaa he never fucked me bitch!" And Becky walked off with her finger in the air. That shut Judelle right up... Becky flips her hair and returns to the table. I'm speechless..

Shaks' POV:
"I thought you two got swept away by the curre- Becky what's wrong?" I say looking up to her upset face. She doesn't answer. I look at Tasha who's face is blank.
"Tasha whutt happened" I ask.
"She ummm she just ummm she just fought with that girl umm" Tasha stutters.
"I got in a fight with Judelle" Becky says taking Allie.
"What happened?" I ask handing over Allie.
"Nun I burst her ass that's whutt happened!" Snook laughs and shakes his head.
"Original Becky..." He says handing over Seon to Tasha so she can breast feed him.
"Are you hurt?" I ask looking at them both and they shake their heads so I leave it as that.
"Okay...ready to go home?"
"After I take a dip" Becky says handing back over Allie then taking off her clothes and heading to the water. I give Allie to snook and join her.
"Becky wait" I say running over to her
"Are you sure you're okay" she lowers her head and nods.
"No Becky tell me!" I say frustrated and she turns around slowly.
"I'm fine really I just need to clear my head I'm still a bit angry" she says going into the water. I hug her from behind and kiss her neck.
"Want me to cheer you up?" I ask and she smiles and turns around and kisses me.

30 minutes later we were ready to leave. Tasha got into the car while snook helped me clean up.
"I'm sorry about everything" snook says and I hug him.
"Its all cool" I say and he smiles.

We get home and put Allianna to bed. Becky undresses and gets in the shower. I join her and we rinse off. Becky puts on my T-Shirt and lays down. I cuddle her and we doze off.

Becky's POV:
I turn over at 4:20am to Allie's crying. I get up and go for her as I think about Judelle...maybe I shouldn't have told her...Haaa I'm just playing that bitch deserved to know whutt she was getting herself into I'm just really glad he told me...smh Chris you dog!

Becky the GOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora