7 - A cold reunion

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"Wake up, Humfrey. C'mon, it's been over a day now!"

I felt Nadie licking the fur at the scruff of my neck, gently waking me up. I parted my eyelids, fighting the fatigue that still rolled through me. Nadie moved her face next to mine, and bat her eyes at me.

"There's a face I've missed," I smiled.

"I've missed you too." She brushed her muzzle against mine hungrily. "I'm sorry I woke you, but I...I needed you back."

I draped my paw over her back and pulled her in closer, drinking in her warmth. "What'd I miss?"

"Hutch says there's a storm coming. Everybody's ears have been popping for about a day now. He says its from the pressure in the air changing so quickly."

I peered up at the sky, seeing nothing but blue. Whatever was coming our way, it wasn't here yet, but I knew what she was talking about--even my eardrums ached slightly as the pressure dropped. Such a big change...this is gonna be a big storm.

"How long?"

"Soon. I can feel it in my bones, Humfrey. I don't think I've ever been so restless!"

I stood up, sharing her sentiment. For reasons I couldn't explain, I wanted nothing more than to move; standing still just made my mind scream at me. It had to be instinct.

I followed her away from the tracks and into the brush, leaving the rusted pickup behind. My paws sang with sweet relief, now that they were back to normal. I let my tail swish back and forth happily, enjoying the sensation it gave me. Everything worked correctly now!

The trees began thinning out, giving the forest a much more open feel to it. Up ahead, the ground dropped off, forming a tiny, ten-foot high cliff. Hutch and Tara waited there for us, hovering over the carcass of a caribou.

"It's nice to see you back on your paws," Tara quipped, observing me walk steadily forward. I lowered my head in thanks, than tore my fill from the caribou, devouring it. For once, my hunger was truly satiated.

I sat down next to Nadie at the edge of the cliff. She was staring off into the distance, looking almost mesmerized by the landscape. My eyes slid down her form, coming to rest on her ribcage. Despite the carrion meal we'd just had, I could count every single rib beneath her skin. She wasn't getting enough, and it broke my heart. In fact, it angered me that there was nothing I could do to help her--or any of us, for that matter. Had we known game would be so scarce up here, maybe we would have travelled northeast, into Ontario, rather than staying in Manitoba.

She looked over at me, fixing me with her beautiful eyes. I blinked back in surprise--for once, her eyes weren't dull. They were shining vibrantly; it was as if the zest for life that she'd lost over the past months had come crashing back, all at once.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked queitly. Her gaze never wavered from mine as she answered.

"These past few weeks...they've really sucked, you know?"

"I know. Believe me, I know!"

"I saw the map the other night. It looked like we were pretty close to that big 'X.' I dunno what that means, or what's hidden there, but I just can't shake the feeling that we're actually ahead now. I feel like we've really gained ground, y'know? We must've covered at least ten days of walking with that truck."

I nodded at her, feeling almost uncomfortable beneath her stare. "Okay..." I raised the fur above my eyes at her, waiting for her to continue. "I haven't seen you so happy for a long time. Is that it?"

She smiled sweetly at me. "No, you big oaf. We've been literally next to each other every step of the way, and..."

Now I was genuinly curious. "And, what?"

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