26 - Finding Redemption

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"You came back."

Of course I did! Where are you?

"Uh...I'm right here."

No, that's not what I meant! Where are you? In Atikaki, I mean.

"How the heck should I know?"

Excuse me? How can you not know where you are?

"It's called being lost, dummy."


"Oh come on, I've called you worse."


"Aw, did I hurt your feelings, Humfrey? I'm sorry. But it worked, didn't it? You came back for me! Although come to think of it, maybe you should have stayed away..."

No, seriously, ow.

"You've seen how things are out here! Kémé is such a turd! I mean seriously, it seems to me like all he cares about are his Alphas and his position of power! Uh...are you okay?"

No, I don't think--ow. Ow! OW!


My eyes sprung open and I let out a cry of pain. Daanis jumped back in surprise, blood dripping from her jowls.

"What did you just do?" I screamed, holding up my bloodied right arm. I snatched up my rifle and pointed it her way. "What are you doing! Tell me!"

"I-I thought you s-said you wanted to be bitten again..."

"What? No! No!! Not yet! An' not by you!  What the heck were you thinking?" I tore off another piece of fabric from my sleeping bag and tied it around my arm.

"You said you wanted to be a wolf again!"

"I know I did, but not yet!" I snarled, flexing my fingers and feeling along the length of my arm. It was only a shallow bite; I'd woken up before she'd reached bone.

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to help!"

"I never asked for you to do that!" I hissed, tying my makeshift bandage tighter. "I have to get back up north after all of this! I can't drive if I'm a dog, and there is no way I'm walking a thousand kilometers again!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I thought if you were like me again, it would be easier to find Mingan!"

I lowered the gun and rolled up my sleeping bag. "You thought wrong, Daanis!" I stormed out of the cabin and into the frigid morning air. Frost glistened on the ground and on the dock.

I stomped down the dock, and the wood beneath my feet cracked and split in protest. Throwing my stuff inside, I hopped into my boat.

Daanis trotted out after me, her ears and tail laid low in shame. "Can...can I still come along with you?"

I frowned at her, but didn't move a muscle. She nodded quietly and gingerly stepped over the side of the boat, her paws slipping on the metal hull as she plopped herself down in front of me.

We rode out in silence; she sat at the front of the boat, holding her nose in the air, and I sat in the back, piloting the boat and following Nahanni's faded map as best I could.

After nearly an hour, she signaled for me to slow down, and she began sniffing the air feverishly.


She shook her head. "Just gimme a minute."

I shut the motor off, letting the boat drift forward. "If I might ask...why were you so set on helping me?"

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