13 - Dreamscape

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Breathe in

Breathe out

The heart beats strong

Within these days

These precious last days

Before one form is forsaken

For the sake of another

When the land grows cold

And the sky turns dark

Where the lake becomes land

And the ice rains down from above

Within these days

One form is forsaken

For the sake of another

Breathe in

Breathe out

One last time as man

My eyes shot open and I bolted upright in the bed, fighting the sudden wave of dizziness that engulfed me. What the heck was that? I looked around the room, and shook my head, trying to clear the strange heaviness that rested throughout my body. In the back of my mind, a strange, rhythmic pulsing blared, yelling at me from my subconscious.


My ears perked, and I cocked my head to the side, listening. Above the dull ambiance of the dormitory, I could hear the drums, pounding endlessly in the night. What the heck is going on?

I moved to jump off the mattress, but my paws remained stubbornly stationary. I glared down at them, berating them in my mind to move. Slowly, I lifted my impossibly heavy forepaw up, and tumbled down off of the bed.

"Oof!" My response came out oddly drawn out. Have I been drugged? Oh my word, I've been drugged! Why would they drug me?!? I looked around as quickly as my body would allow, yet there was no one new in the tiny suite.

Breathe in,

Breathe out!

The heart beats strong,

Within these days--

I slammed my eyes back shut, forcing the strange chant from my mind. Behind my eyelids, whiteness swirled lazily, and I blinked them open once more. I twitched my ears, swiveling them around on my head until the muffled sounds became a little clearer.

There was...something...going on in one of the neighboring buildings of the community. The drum beats practically echoed through the halls--as well as my mind!--and I could hear many voices as well, all of them joined together in the chant, singing out the words in Cree.

Why aren't I terrified? The thought struck me suddenly, and my eyes widened. I should be hysterical right now! What did they give me? In spite of my frantic, worrisome thoughts, my heart continued to beat slowly, and my body refused to snap into defense mode. I made and effort to tense my muscles, and I forced my hackles to raise and my teeth to show, yet I still didn't feel anxious like I should have.

I looked over at Hutch, pleading silently with him to wake up. Hutch, help me out here, I whispered. C'mon, Hutch. Something's happened!

Hutch stayed still, his muzzle still pointed away from me towards the door. Hutch! I think I've been poisoned! Wake up!

I frowned, and lifted up my paw to my muzzle. Hello? I asked.

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