Chapter 15 - Raining Pringles

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Chapter 15 – Raining Pringles

*Autumn's POV*

It's been about a month now I think since the accident. Luckily Danny is much better- still on a few pain killers, but pretty much back to normal. Cat...she is getting better, she is still seeing the doctors a bit but Danny said she is fine. Glen's wrist is fully healed so he can play again much to his relief...I still feel so guilty about that. And then Mark, well he is just glad everyone else is ok! I am happy now I think...I feel safe. I have a family, a big one! The best family I could have!

I slide out from beneath the cotton-wool soft covers of the bed and slip my feet into slippers. After the accident Danny brought a new flat so we can have our own rooms. I like it, having a place that is just for me. I go over to the wardrobe and open it; I pull out some jeans and a tight fitting green top with vine like flowers snaking up from one corner. I change quickly and got to the mirror, pulling my hair back and pinning it so it falls from near the top of my head; like how you imagine princesses when you are little. I smile slightly at my reflection; I can't believe how much things have good life can be if you just find the right people to love.

*Rory's POV*

And there he goes again. Ranting and yelling about what he will do when he gets his hands on her. I can't stand it because I know he really will do these things; Dan doesn't make empty threats. He smashes a beer bottle against the wall and I see Amber roll her eyes.

”Dan!" She yells and Dan spins around.

"What?!" He growls. Suddenly she raises a hand and slaps him in the face. It takes him a second to work out what she did before he reacts.

"You bloody bitch! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!" He yells advancing on her.

"Oh save your breath will you." She mutters.

"I will n-" He begins before Amber places a finger to his lips with a smile.

"Rory! How close are we to finding where she went?" Amber asks and I jump slightly nervous.

"Umm not far." I say.

"See, soon you will have her, until then, I was gonna drink that beer, go get me a new one." She whispers to him, her killer stilettos making her the same height as him. He growls something before storming out of the room. Amber smiles watching him go with a hint of victory in her eyes. Suddenly she turns to me, leaping onto the sofa next to me, stretching her legs out so her black stilettos rest on the chair arm, making a bridge over me. I look at them awkwardly, I don’t want to look down at her as that skirt…that very short skirt...ok maybe I do a, no Rory focus. I can feel her watching me but I just try and keep looking at the laptop on my knee.

"You have been searching for months Rory, have you really found nothing?" She asks narrowing her eyes, looking at me suspiciously. I sigh,

"I have an idea...I just want to be sure before I tell him, he will kill me if I get it wrong." I tell her and she nods.

"I guess." She says swinging her legs down almost taking the top of my laptop off. "Clever boy Rory." She says patronisingly and I give her a sarcastic smile. She laughs, getting to her feet as there is another crash from somewhere else in the house. "You better find her soon or he will tear the place apart." Amber mutters before wondering off towards the sounds. I feel like she knows something, something I don’t want her to know. That’s the thing about Amber, she has a way to see right through you and then use you. She is the reason I am here in the first place. I was out on the streets when she found me, made me feel special, then brought me home like a stray dog. I hate it here; I only stayed for one reason, one big reason. 

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