Chapter 20 - Hazy

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Chapter 20 - Hazy

*Mark’s POV*

I wade into the water, my hands searching desperately for his body under the surface. Finally, I grab hold of his arm and begin to haul him out. Rina is on the bank now and she helps me pull him up and lie him down.

“Danny you idiot wake up!” I yell, shaking him. I can’t hide my fear…he is my best mate, always has been, and I am worried. “Dan! Dan open your eyes now you bastered!” I cry, still no response.

“Out of the way.” Rina says, pushing me aside. "Danny!?" She calls; nothing. Suddenly she slaps him across the face...that's gonna hurt. Danny begins coughing and spluttering and Rina stands back, smiling at her handy work.

"Yeh...I was gonna try that next." I say and she smiles.

"Sure" She says, I stick my tongue out at her...what else can I do? Danny sits up, still coughing, water dripping off him. Suddenly, he stops coughing and starts retching and I am too tired to remember my ninja-like speedy moves, so I don't get out of the way...and Danny throws up...on my shoes...again!

"You have gotta be kidding me." I mutter, pulling a barely conscious Danny to his feet. "If you don't like my choice in shoes, just say, just please stop puking on them!" I complain. "Oh shut up!" I tell Rina who is biting back a smile.

"I didn't say anything." She says, raising her hands innocently.

"You didn't have to." I mutter and she laughs, why does the world have it in for my feet?

*Danny's POV*

I wake and immediately wish I hadn't. My head feels as if it's been hit by a train...make that four I lie there, my memories foggy...well, all but one. The memory of Autumn shines brightly through my mind, blinding me. I know it's my fault, it was my fault she left, it must have been. I just wish I could curl up in a corner and die. Suddenly my stomach churns violently and I feel a huge wave of nausea and before I know it, I am on my feet heading at speed to the bathroom.

*Cat's POV*

"Danny?" I call as I push open the unlocked front door. I pause and listen before wrinkling up my nose; lovely- I think sarcastically. I make my way to the bathroom and slowly push open the door. I see Danny sat on the floor leaning against the wall, his eyes closed and breathing deeply. His skin is pasty and the smell of spirits is so strong you could probably smell it in Australia.

"Oh Danny." I whisper sympathetically. Just then his eyes snap open and he shoots forward to throw up in the toilet. I bend down next to him and gently rub his back as if he were a baby. Finally he slumps back against the wall with a groan. "Wait here." I say, not that he will really be going anywhere. I go and fetch him some water and pills before going back to the bathroom and sliding down the wall next to him. "Here." I say handing him them. After taking a few pills and drinking the water he groans and lets his head come to rest on my shoulder. He stays there for about a minute before he is once again leaning over the toilet, throwing his guts up. I see the jewels for cold sweat on his forehead, see how he is shivering,

"Danny stay here," I say before going to fetch more water and a damp cloth.

When I return I find him sprawled on his back, his eyes closed. "Danny get up, come on you can't lie like that, if you choke on your own vomit I am not gonna be the one cleaning up afterwards." I say pulling him into a sitting position. I slide down next to him, holding the cup of water to his lips as he takes little sips. I dab the cloth on his forehead, cooling it. I put my arm around him and he leans on my shoulder again. I feel him getting heavier on me and shake him slightly to keep him awake. "Dan you can't sleep here, come on stay awake." I say and he groans loudly, "Shush come on, talk to me."

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