t e a s e. (stripper!louis)

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Summary: Harry gets a new flat and finds out there's a stripper pole in his basement and Louis is the local stripper who's new to the business and is a major cock slut.

By: whimperings on ao3



"Oh my god," Niall said from the other room. My best mate and I were scoping out my new apartment to see where to put things, since I had a lot of stuff and most of it would have to go in my basement if I wanted my house to look remotely clean. I peeked my head through the doorway, seeing Niall with red cheeks and a big, goofy grin on his lips.

"What?" I asked.

Niall didn't respond, he just burst into a fit of laughter and pointed into the room next to him. I walked over to him, stood in the doorway and I couldn't help but crack a smile too. In the small room was a stripping pole. It was still shiny, clean and looks like it'd been used a lot. My mouth gaped open; I stepped into the room to check it out. I could use this.

"What the hell are you doing?" Niall cackled, "You look like you're about to hire your very own stripper to come use this for you!"

When he saw my facial expression, he suddenly got serious.

"You were thinking that weren't you?" I shrugged.

"Considering it." I mumbled, pushing the door open farther. The door locked from the inside, so it was private and nobody could bother. There was a bed in the corner, it wasn't made but it was there. I figured lots of people had sex on there before I moved in. My stomach growled suddenly. "Hey let's go get something to eat."

Niall gave me a weird look, "You're suddenly hungry after looking at that. You're weird Harry."

"Yeah, I know." I rolled my eyes and we walked back up the stairs, grabbed our stuff and got in my car. We went to Nando's to get some lunch before we went back to my house.

"So. You really considered hiring a stripper didn't you?" Niall asked as I turned out of the Nando's parking lot to go home. I looked over at him, my cheeks burning slightly. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I mean, it's not a horrible idea."

"Well. Oh fuck it, this is going to sound weird but you know that guy I met at Uni, Liam?" Niall asked. I nodded, keeping my eyes fixed on the road before us. Niall scratched the back of his neck, hesitantly continuing. "Well, his friend is kind of... well he's got a friend who's a stripper. He's new to the business too... so maybe you could get him. Only if you're serious." Niall's cheeks were a deep crimson by now. I chuckled.

"Niall. Calm down. What's his name?"

"Louis." Niall mumbled sheepishly.

"Louis hmm." I said, testing the name out. I tried to imagine what Louis would look like, even though I was going off no description. Louis just sounded like the name of someone gorgeous. Of course, I couldn't do it out loud since Niall was right next to me, but I imagined moaning the name Louis. It was perfect too, the perfect name to moan. Now I was really considering it.

"Yeah, Liam said he's really... feisty I guess." Niall shrugged. "He sounds cool; I mean if you're into guys dancing on poles."

I chuckled, "That I am Niall that I am. Hey, ask Liam to either give me his number or something or maybe if he's on a website-"

"He's on a website. Liam said he was advertising for Louis, so he gave me the website in case I knew anyone who'd be interested. I'll give you the card." Niall said, grabbing his wallet from his back pocket. I shook my head, looking at the road. Wow. I couldn't believe I was actually talking to Niall about hiring a stripper. I mean, Niall knew I was openly gay, but still, he doesn't need to know about my kinks or sex life. Well... the sex life I don't have.

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