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I slowly cracked my eyes open and tried to look around at my surroundings. But as soon as i did a wave of pain coursed through my body. A loud groan of pain escaped my lips as I tried to push myself into a sitting position. As soon as I was upright and sitting the air was Knocked out of my lungs, I gasped and rapped my hand around my stomach.

Just as I did another wave of pain washed over my body. I gasped and fell back. I must've broken a rib... What else did I break...? I slowly sat myself back up into a sitting position and prepared myself for the pain I knew would come. It rattled my entire body and made shivers run down my spine, which was also aching horribly. I stuck one leg up underneath me and balanced against a boulder. As soon as I put any pressure on my other leg my knees buckled and yet another shot of pain rattled my body, 'I will not fall down again. I need to find Nux.' I ripped myself from my thoughts and hobbled my way over to the wreckage of the rig.

My head started spinning out of control, walking seemed almost out of the question now. I had lost to much blood and I was still dehydrated. I had to find Nux before it was too late. I pushed myself away from the stone walls and hopped on my one good leg towards the rig. The burning pain in my chest only grew as I slowly made my way over to the rig. Every step I took only made it harder to breathe.

Yet another reason for my damaged body to give up on me. As I got closer to the dismantled rig a faint white figure grew in my vision. I quickened my pace as much as my leg would let me. As soon as I was close enough to see most of the wounds and scars my body collapsed to the ground. I dragged myself up to the body, it was Nux. I rested my head on his chest and tried to stay as quiet as I could.

I heard it. He was still alive, the heartbeat was faint and might not last much longer. But never the less it was there. I put my ear next to his mouth and listened to see if he was still breathing. He was, once again still very faint but there. "Nux..." My voice came out quiet and very raspy, definitely not enough to wake someone up. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. I tried to speak again but it came out as barely even a whisper. I couldn't do it. If someone didn't come and get us soon... There was no way either of us would survive.

Honours of a war girl || sequel of Bad to the Bone Where stories live. Discover now