Quote #20

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A favourite quote of mine is from the eighth episode of the first season of American Horror Story from Moria the house maid: "Haven't you read 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilmore? Her husband–a doctor–locks her away in the upstairs bedroom to recuperate from a slight hysterical tendency. Staring at the yellow wallpaper day after day, she begins to hallucinate that there are women trapped in the pattern. Half mad she scrapes off the wallpaper to set the women free. When her husband finally unlocks the door, he finds her circling the room, touching the wallpaper, whispering "I finally got out of here." Since the beginning of time, men find excuses to lock women away. They make up diseases, like hysteria. Do you know where that word comes from? The Greek word for 'uterus.'"

In the 18th century men created various types of diseases (all for women, although men could also suffer from the 'diseases'). Women remained the primary victims because of their physical and mental inferiority to men.

This is the reason I don't truly believe in mental diagnosis'. Yes, they're real, but they're all just based off of the theory so that everyone can pretend that they have some sort of control in this world. It's pretty sad really because if anyone were actually in control then there would be cures for everything; even death. That, however, is inevitable, so I don't really see the point. Everyone has problems and there's nothing anyone can do about it except come to terms and move on.

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