Quote #26

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I love music. Not in the "Yeah music is pretty cool, but there are better things in life." way, but the "Music is basically the only thing that is actually decent about the world, and it truly amazes me." Some songs have absolutely little to no important purpose or meaning to them, and some songs are just so relatable that they make me want to curl up into a fetal position and cry. Either way, I still love them. Feeling wise, I think the thing I love the most about music is listening to a song for the first and just knowing that I am going to love that song until the day I die. Reality wise, well, it is my escape from reality and I love that. Emotionally wise, it keeps me emotionally stable when I am overly stressed or going through a bad time. The best part over all for me? Music is the only thing that will never leave me when I need someone or something to be there for me.

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