So, this just been bugging me...

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Has anyone here had a friend who they cared about, but somehow lost connection? I did, I had a friend who I really cared about and I moved and I'm kind of fearing for him/her. He/she didn't have the best life, ya know. And he/she really never really had any friends except me. I dunno, but I just really needed to get this off my chest for a bit. X') It's been sort of bugging me too. But now I moved where I'm at now I really worry about friends more often then I should, and I guess that makes me a better person for caring so much. :3 And if one of my friends are reading this, I care about you so much it hurts me more than you think. As well for my followers, everyone out there is an amazing person no matter how weird, how lonely, how anything, you're amazing and you belong in this world! I also hope I explained this right, embarrassing if I didn't. ^^' *Gives you all cookies* Treats for everyone! ^^ Wow, this put me in a better mood. I hope it did to you all as well putting you in a great mood as well for whoever reads this! Love you all! Bai Color Nation! (My name for my people! ^^)

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