Guess who got tagged? XD

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Welp, let's get with the questions! :D

1.) Are you self taught or do you take classes?
       I actually taught myself! I taught myself how to use bases and such, well I had a friend that taught me a wil bit of bases. XD

2.) Do you consider yourself as a good artist?
Somewhat, yeah. I'm not the best, but I guess I'm pretty good. ^-^

3.) How long have you been drawing?
For about two years. I first started with cats as my main theme for drawing. :3 Mew!

4.) What annoys you the most about being able an artist?
The the frickin head when drawing any living thing! I have to focus hard when drawing head or otherwise it looses it shape. XD

5.) What do you draw most?
Cats. Straight up cats. Sometimes minecraftians though. :P

6.) How old are you?
12 yrs old. Yep. Technically a teen!

7.) Traditional or Digital?
Mainly traditional. I sometimes do digital. :P

8.) Has someone ever say you were bad?
No. I don't think so, maybe? I dunno, people usually say I draw better than them when there is so many other people who are more talented. XD

9.) Who inspired you?
                 A friend named Courtney. ^-^ She drew amazingly and I wish I could draw exactly like her. :3 And animators on YouTube like EucalyptusSplash and GrittySugar. :P

So, I hope you learned more about me! ^-^ I think I have to do another one after this, so stay tuned! :D

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