Tagged once again! :P

30 3 13

Yep, been tagged by the amazo AnythingFox12 so go check him out cuz he is cool! ^-^ So, shall we begin? Then let's begin! XD

1.) Do I like someone?
Maybe . . . .3. Okie, I do! But I'm not gonna say. XP

2.) Do they like me back?
          Myeh, I'm sure they don't even know I barely exist. XD

3.) Middle name?
          Nicole. Not as awesome or cool, but it's good enough. :P

4.) Single or Taken?
          Single. .3. For my whole life I have never ever been taken. So . . . Anyone wanna be the first? XD

5.) Last person I texted?
          Anythingfox12. :P We talked about this tag actually. XD

6.) Last song I listened to?
          My Time by Bo en. It's really catchy too. :3

7.) Battery percentage?
          IPad, 73%; Phone, 3%; Laptop, 89% .3. My phone isn't really working. I just use it for YouTube. .3.

8.) Best girl friend?
          My best friend, B irl. Not giving her full first name just in case. XP On Wattpad . . . I have about six. X3

9.) Best guy friend?
          Irl, J. Again the same with the name. Wattpad, AnythingFox12 :3

10.) My fave OTP?
          *Sigh* Skybop has always been number one for me. XP But I have SOOOOOOOO many more. :P

11.) Why I joined Wattpad?
          I joined Wattpad because fan fictions people write always catch my attention. Plus, I like writing it too. Man, I should really update. 0.0 And the community here just is incredible! Making friends on Wattpad make it a lot less lonely. :3

12.) Current lock screen?
          Samgladiator Yandere Roleplay fan art. XD

13.) Current home screen?

14.) Birthday?
          July 29th. :3 Its in the summer so I can celebrate without stupid school! :D

I made this late at night. AH WELL!!! Now, the people I shall tag! #SorryNotSorry XD

christinacantu03 Buttersweet Wintercookie77 AdrianOuk viper1542 EmotiveMa Gamergirlluvscats04 FairytailisBAE MakiNishikinooo DawnADHH

And that is all my tags! I'm sure that only half of these people will do it! :D Who knows? XD So. . .  Till next time? :3 BAIIIIII!!! And I dunno why I put my sassy cat for the pic. :P

My Book Of Me! :3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ