Tagged Again! :D XD *Insert creative title*

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Y'ello! So, yep. Telling by the title I have gotten tagged by MakiNishikinooo !!! She's an amazing person so go defiantly check her out! So this will be a pain since I'm using an IPad which I will have to go back and fourth. XD HERE!!! I!!! GO!!!

So, here are the rules!

1.) You have to post all the rules!

2.) You have to tag 13 people!

3.) Each person has to say 13 things about themselves!

4.) You have to answer the 13 questions addressed to you and make 13 questions for the people you tagged!

5.) You can't say, "I don't do tags."

6.) Tag backs are allowed!

7.) You have to finish within the week and if you don't you have to do what the creator says! (I, guess you can ignore this rule. It's not really necessary. :/)

8.) Just be creative with the title, nothing like, 'I got tagged blah blah blah.'

9.) You have to put this in the book and not in the comments!

Now for 13 facts about me! :3

1.) I absolutely hate fruit! I'm sowwy, but I just never liked the taste. >_<

2.) I ship family and friends. XD They hate me for it. XP

3.) I watch YouTube more than Television! Don't we all! XD

4.) I love veggies! Any vegetables I will eat!

5.) I watched Nick Jr. until the age of 8. :/ I usually think six and up watch Disney than Nick Jr. XP

6.) I'm 12. Normal enough to be on Wattpad. :3

7.) I love Pokémon!!!!! Yup, a huge nerd right here!!! :3

8.) I only update on my IPad. XD With my laptop there's this thing where it separates paragraphs and gets complicated. :/

9.) I never had a bf or gf. Yep, lonely over here. ._.

10.) I have four friends on Wattpad from rl. :3

11.) I have owned 11 cats throughout my whole life. XD And a killer gerbil. 0-0 The flashbacks...

12.) I'm the oldest sibling! :D Which is sometimes a pain when your lil sis steals everything- whoops, almost went on a rant. XD

13.) I am afraid of dolls. No doubts about it. 0-0

And here are the questions from MakiNishikinooo !!! :3

1.) Favorite YouTuber(s)?
JackSepticEye, SkyDoesMinecraft, JinBop, SamGladiator, Markiplier, MunchingBrotato, and House_Owner!

2.) First YouTuber?
SkyDoesMinecraft actually! I'm such a loyal fan. XD Yet he still never noticed me... ;-;

3.) Favorite Video Game?
Hmm, Minecraft. What? Playable on XBox and on a disc. ^.^

4.) OTP(s)
Well, kids. Sit back and get your coffee because we'll be here for a while! SkyBop, Septicplier, Samaurtis, MithRoss, Styler, Kyler, DocLock- ~5 yrs later~ and.... SetoSolace! :D

5.) Favorite Anime/Tv show(s)?
Accel World, Gravity Falls, Pokémon, Doctor Who, ICarly, AOT, any Bill Nye shows. XD

6.) Something you did recently that you're proud of?
I made an adorable Ross and Sparkles fan art! Not showing yet. ;3 Wait, did that sound wrong...? O.O

7.) What's your biggest dream/goal?
To be one of the top ten best animators in the world! :D Or artist which might be impossible to accomplish. XD But I will succeed in something!

8.) Favorite Band & Songs?
Bands; Fall Out Boy, Thousand Foot Krutch, Set It Off. Songs; Immortals (FOB), Courtesy Call (TFK), Wolf in sheep's clothing (SIO) :3

9.) Soda or Coffee?
Soda. I love meh Big Red. :3

10.) Favorite number?
7 or infinity. :3

11.) Writing or Drawing?
Um, both! But if I was forced to pick one.... Drawing! Drawings and pictures tell a story as well. :3

12.) Wattpad or Tumblr?
Wattpad. I don't really go on Tumblr. XD

13.) Twitter or Instagram?
Instagram. :P

And now the questions to whom the people I tag!

1.) What's your favorite vegetable?

2.) Chocolate or Vanilla?

3.) Kittens or puppies?

4.) Doctor Who or Sherlock?

5.) More creepy, Freddy's Pizzeria or Chuck E Cheese?

6.) Christmas or Halloween?

7.) Favorite YouTubers?

8.) Fluff or lemon? *Insert Lenny face*

9.) What you ship the hardest?

10.) How many friends do you have on Wattpad?

11.) Do you have a crush?

12.) Favorite songs and what band or artist made it? :P

13.) What's your biggest fear?

And the best part! The 13 people I need to tag. >:3

AnythingFox12 Wintercookie77 Gamergirlluvscats04 @Buttersweet FairytailisBAE christinacantu03 EnderNaty lexx9870 viper1542 @AdrianOuk MakiNishikinooo

Er, can you let me pass? I can't find anymore people to tag? I even had to tag back. XD So, I guess everyone I tagged have fun doing this? XD GOOD LUCK RETYPING ALL THOSE RULES!!! XD

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