I made an attempt at a contest!

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I'm not sure if I might win, but I made an attempt! They said post the story in the comments and I did so! The topic was 'A deal with the Devil' and I gave it a go! How do you guys think I did?;

I take a shaky breath of the hot, smoky air that filled my lungs making them burn like hot coals.

"Tell me your business to why you stepped forth." He called from his throne which was pretty large compared to the corrupted god that sat upon it.

"I want to make a deal." My voice was a bit raspy and weaker than before. I assume it must be the air in these parts.

He stroked his chin and his yellow eyes that shined like gold in sunlight stared coldly at me.

"Hmm, never made a deal in a long time. What is it you wish?" As he said those words my anger and determination began to build up.

"I want revenge! On those who betrayed me, used me!"

"How do you wish to do that?" He asked.

"Magic, dark magic. What will it cost?"

"Your soul."

So, how was it? You decide in the comments. XP I wonder if I'll win! ^.^

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