Chapter Three

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Castiel's POV

"Balthy and Mike made me do it!"  I yell.  Lucifer presses two fingers to the bridge of his nose and lets out a large breath.  "I'm sick of all of your shit!"  He exclaims.  Everyone stops what they are doing to look at him.

And out of no where Gabe yells, "You're grounded Mr!  Go to your room!"  Lucifer sighs loudly and walks out of the room.  "Shit!"  Anna repeats happily.  I take a seat next to her and tell her to not say that.  She pouts but when food was placed on the table she was smiling again.

At the end of dinner I go to my room and fall asleep right away.  The next morning was all a blur.  Getting up, taking a bath, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and preparing for school.  Luckily I had the gist of it since Charlie had summed it up.  But I was still worried cause people.  I'm an antisocial bastard, get used to it.

Lucifer and Michael had to go to work after they got us all signed in, and Balthazar got held back a year since he was a dumb piece of shit.  I was going to be in my senior year, Gabe was going to be a freshman, and the twins were going into first grade.  All of the schools were connected so we would all be together.

As we were walking, something small and gray ran out on the sidewalk in front of us.  I screamed and hid behind Gabe who was trying to climb on top of me to hide, Michael jumped in Lucifer's arms and shrieked some very unmanly screams, and Balthazar screamed as well as held up Samandriel as a human shield.  Anna started yelling at the creature like the brave little shit she was.

"Guys calm down.  It's just a squirrel."  I hear a familiar voice say.  Sure enough, Charlie was running up to us.  The squirrel ran off and Charlie escorted us away t'words the main buildings.  Lucifer took Anna and Samandriel to their class, and Michael was in charge of signing Gabe, Balthazar, and I in.  Charlie had to go to class so she couldn't show us around.  But that was fine.  Maybe Dean could!  Right.  Ok.  Great thinking Castiel.  Way to sound desperate.

The young woman behind the desk looked up from her paper work and smiled once she saw us.  Well more Michael.  "Well hello there cutie."  She said with a wink.  Michael leaned up against the desk and gave a smirk, then a wink.

I coughed awkwardly and captured their attention.  "Oh.  Right.  Forgot you three existed for a moment."  Michael said.  I rolled my eyes and Gabe punched Michael in the shoulder.  "Anyways.  I'm here to get schedules for a Balthazar, Castiel, and Gabriel Novak?"  He said.  "Right here."  She said sliding three folders across the desk.  Michael tossed them at us because he is a giant asshole.

The two flirted with each other for a while until Gabe decided to be a dick.  "What happened to Sabrina?"  He asked.  Sabrina is Michael's mermaid girlfriend.  She is gorgeous.  And a princess.  They were supposed to have an arranged marriage, but they loved each other so much so they called it off.  The two kingdoms decided to just wait for them to be ready on their own since things worked out so well.  "Shit."  Michael muttered under his breath.  The lady looked pissed but told us to wait for a moment.

Michael left a few seconds later so it was just the three of us.  When she returned she said, "I've called some people down to show you around for the day.  Wait here."  She then returned to her papers.

A few minutes later two kids came in.  One was a boy with freakishly long hair, and the other was a girl with blonde hair.  The boy went over to Gabe and introduced himself as Sam.  The girl walked over to Balthazar and I and told us her name was Jo.  Gabe was already gone, and Jo was leading us out of the office as fast as possible.

Once we were out of there, Jo turned to us and smiled.  Balthazar shot her a smile and she just rolled her eyes with a smile.  "You remind me of my friend Dean."  She told him.  I perk up at the name and she seems to notice.  "You're Castiel right?  Dean would not shut up about you this morning."  Jo said.  I nod shyly.  "Charlie also speaks very highly of y'all.  You must be very important to her."  She adds before leading us down the hallway.

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