Chapter Six

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Dean's POV

"Dean!  Wake up!  We're gonna be late!"  Sam called me from outside my door and running down the stairs.  I groaned and rolled out of bed, quickly making my way to the bathroom before Sam threw another fit on how late we were going to be.  When I got back in my room, I searched my floor for my ACDC shirt but couldn't find it.  I groaned again on how this morning was going already.

I threw on a Metallica shirt and a flannel along with some jeans and Converse before grabbing my backpack and rushing down the stairs.  I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before heading out to meet Sam in the car.  He was practically bouncing in his seat.  "Jeez Sammy, what's got you so worked up this morning?"  I asked turning the key in the ignition.  Sam just shrugged and buckled his seat belt.

When we pulled into the school, I saw the Novaks walking t'words the school.  Sam and I rushed after them.

"Hey Cas."  I say when I catch up to him.  Cas' face lights up and he throws his arms around my waist.  I return the gesture and plant a kiss to his blue and black hair.  "Hello Dean."  He says when we break the hug.  I smile and look at his shirt.  "So that's where my ACDC shirt went."  I say with a chuckle.  Cas blushes.  "Yea, I wore it to bed last night as well.  It smells like you."  He mumbles the last part.  "It's fine Cas.  You look good in it."  I say and Cas blushes harder.

Cas' siblings had left us outside so I grabbed Cas' hand and led him inside.  At first I thought I was going to be embarrassed about people knowing I was gay, but with Cas it just...  Felt right and I wasn't embarrassed anymore.

I walked Cas to his class before heading off to mine.  Of course I got a few strange looks when Cas and I were walking but they didn't bother me as much as I thought they would.  I was happy.

During the course of the day, whenever I saw Cas in the hallway I'd send a smile his way, and get one in return.

At lunch, I sat with some of my football friends.  And of course Lisa came over and sat uncomfortably close.  Normally I would be fine with it, but not anymore.  "Babe what's wrong?"  Lisa asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.  "Lisa you know we aren't together."  I say gruffly, eating a few french fries.  Lisa gets closer and I finally had enough.

"Can you just fuck off?"  I say to her with a stern look.  "God Winchester.  What's up your ass?"  Alistair laughs.  Lisa gets up with a huff and flounces off.  "Doesn't she get that we aren't dating?  We only broke it off what?  Three months ago and she's still trying?  Is she gonna get the hint anytime soon?"  I asked no one in particular, pushing food around my tray with my fork.

When I looked up everyone on my table was looking at me.  "What?"  I asked with an eyebrow raised.  "Are you ok brother?  Normally you're all for Lisa getting all up in your personal space."  Benny asks curiously.  "He's probably a fag."  Alistair jokes.  No one laughs but him.  Everyone just turns to looks at him with a disgusted look.  Including Crowley.

"It's 2016 dude.  We're a lot more cool with gays than we were a few years ago.  Get with the times."  Adam says.  "Gay marriage has been legal in all fifty states for almost a year now.  Chill out."  Cain says.

"So what you guys are saying is, if I was gay, you would be cool with it?"  Everyone looks at each other and just laughs, giving me a sinking feeling in my gut.  Finally after a solid minute or so, Benny finally speaks up.  "You don't think it's obvious!"  He exclaims.

"We've been placing bets on when you'd come out!"  Crowley exclaimed, clutching his gut and bursting in laughter again.  I even smile a little myself.  "Of course we're cool with it man.  We're your friends, not assholes like Alistair."  Adam says still laughing.  Alistair just rolls his eyes with a dramatic huff.

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