Chapter Five

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(Holy shit we give our Chromebooks back this Friday!  So that means school is almost over!!!  Yass!!!  Less than a full week left!!!  Luckily for you guys I have a laptop so I can continue writing.  I actually write better on my laptop because the keyboard isn't a tiny piece of shit.  And the screen is so much bigger.  I just get really distracted with the entire internet so that is why I don't post things.  But I will try my very hardest for you guys cause I love you!!!)

Castiel's POV

I had attempted to count Dean's freckles, but gave up after forty some.  We laid on his bed for a while, just watching TV in each other's arms until I eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up, Dean was gone.  I heard the shower running though so that's where he must have went.  I took a closer look around his room.  He had a lot of pictures of his family on the walls that varied from him and Sam, to him and his mom, to all three of them, then adding their father.  There weren't many pictures of his father, but I guess every kid has to have a favorite parent.

On the floor, clothes were scattered everywhere.  And I won't lie...  I may or may not have picked up one of his shirts and stuffed it in my backpack.  Don't judge me!

And then...  I saw it.  I quickly strode over to the beloved instrument and just stared, as I was too scared that if I touched it it would vanish right before my eyes.  "Do you play?"  I heard someone ask.  I jumped at the sudden noise, only to run right into Dean.  Who was...  Uh...  Shirtless and only wearing a towel around his waist.

I felt my cheeks heat up.  "Oh no.  I was just looking."  I say turning back to the guitar.  "Maybe I could teach you sometime."  Dean says rummaging through some drawers.  I turned away as Dean started getting dressed, looking anywhere but at him.  And after a few minutes I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist with Dean's chin resting on my shoulder.

"Something on your mind?"  He asked.  I shake my head.  "Nothing you should be concerned about."  I say with a small smile.

In all honesty... My mind was racing a mile a minute with thoughts ranging from meeting his father, to him meeting mine, to me eventually breaking the news to him that I was a merman, to how he was going to react to me being the fish with the royal blue tail.  If I was a coral I would be dead from all this stress.  (Corals die if they get too stressed.  What do corals get stressed about?  Current events.  Hahahahahahahahahahahahha haahahahahah hahahahah aha ha ha ha.  I'm not funny I know.  :P)

We heard a camera shutter and we both turned to see Mary peeking in with her camera.  She gives a wide smile and a thumbs up before backing out again.  I laugh a little bit before turning into Dean so our chests were pressed against one another's.

"Sorry again about my mom."  "Your mom is the ultimate fan girl.  We have one of those where we come from.  Her name is Hannah."  I say with a chuckle.  Dean smiles a bit.

"So Cas...  I've been giving this marriage thing a lot of thought.  And I think I could be down with that.  But I have a one condition."  Dean says grabbing my shoulders.  "That is?"  I ask nervously.  Dean gives a small smile.

"I would like to date and be boyfriends first before flat out announcing we are married."  Is all Dean says.  I nod and smile, thinking it was going to be a lot worse than that.  "Ok Cas.  So...  Would you go out with me tomorrow?"  Dean asks.  "Yes Dean, of course I will."  Dean smiles wider.  "Great.  I'll pick you up for dinner tomorrow."  Dean says excitedly and pulling me in for a hug.

"Dean!  Dinner is ready!"  We hear Mary shout from downstairs.  Dean grabs my hand and pulls me downstairs.

When we reach the bottom of the steps and to the kitchen, there at the table sat John Winchester.  And he had a cold hard glare fixated specifically at me.  Mary must have noticed how uncomfortable I was because she broke the silence.

"John, this is Castiel Novak."  Mary introduced.  I step forward a bit with my hand stuck out, wanting to shake his hand.  John complies.  "It's nice to meet you sir."  I say.  When John lets go of my hand, Mary was the one to pull me away and practically shove me in a chair next to Dean.  Underneath the table, Dean grabs my hand and rubs it reassuringly.  That made me calm down just a little bit.

Mary served us a simple fish dinner, which I was entirely grateful for let me tell you.  I don't think I could have stomached any land food while John Winchester's eyes were boring into my very soul.

It was quiet again until Dean decided to break the silence.  "So where's Sam?"  He asked.  "He's at Kevin's house for dinner.  Mrs. Tran came and picked him up."  Mary responds sweetly.  

Just as I was about to take a bite of fish, John decided to ask me some questions.  "So Castiel, do you have a job?"  "No sir I don't since my family has just arrived here not too long ago.  But I plan on getting one soon to bring my father out for a visit quite soon."  Dean smiles at my answer.  John nods a bit.  "Are your parents divorced that you don't live with your dad or do you live alone?"  He asks.

Mary gasps and smacks John on the chest.  "It's fine Mrs. Winchester."  I reassure.  "My mother died a few years after my youngest siblings were born from a shark attack.  And I live here with all of my brothers and one sister."  I say before eating a few bites of fish.

John didn't ask me any other questions during the rest of the meal which I was very happy about.

After dinner, Dean told me that he would drive me home.  On the way there, he tried showing me his classic rock collection.  I tried my best to pay attention, but my thoughts were still racing.  And soon we were at my house.  Dean kissed me goodbye and I hurried up to my room.

The first thing I needed to do was take a long bath and clear my mind.  So that's what I did.  And it was great.

The second thing I did was get dressed and I threw on one of the shirts I stole from Dean.  I breathed in his scent and sighed.

The third thing I did was go to bed cause Castiel has had a long day.

(Hey guys!  I was wondering if you wanted Dean to find out about Castiel's not so little secret sooner, or later.  I was planning it to be in this chapter about five minutes into writing the last part, but then I thought, it's too early.  So let me know what you guys want cause I have nothing planned out for this story.  My books are never planned out cause it's not fun that way.  I like going with the flow of writing.  .3.  So yeah.  Lemme know what you want in the comments and I'll see what I can do.)

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