Chapter Seven

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What day is it anyways?  Fuck it I'm making it Friday and they have no school cause reasons!

Castiel's POV

"C'mon Cas!  You have to come with me!  I'll be lonely if you don't!"  Gabe had been begging me to come back home with him for a few hours to check in on our father.  "For the last time no!  And if you ask again I'm gonna burn everything you love!"  I shove him off of his bed that we were sitting on.

"That's gonna be a pretty small bonfire..."  He says, looking out the window.  I just roll my eyes and leave his room, only to go into (Fuck who's in this story again?  Hold up gimme a sec...)  Balthazar's.

He was sitting at his desk so I threw myself down on his bed.  "Gabe bugging you again?"  He asked, not looking up from his computer.  I make a non committal noise.  "Yea, he asked all of us the same question earlier this week.  Even the twins.  They're stubborn little shits and they get it from you."  He says, turning in his chair to face me.  I mean I think he did...  My face was still pressed into the mattress.

I sit up finally.

"So how's that husband of yours?"  He asks.  I start blushing madly.  Balthazar wiggles his eyebrows and I hurl a pillow at his face.

"Dean is good."  Is all I say.  "Good at what?  Good at poker?  Good in bed?  You aren't giving me a lot to work with here."  He says, his smirk never leaving his face.

"You're a dick."  I say glaring at him.  "That is not true.  I know for a fact that you love me."  He says with his famous shit eating grin.  I roll my eyes and chuck another pillow at his head before getting up and leaving to go outside.

I wasted no time diving right into the water, and swimming right to Dean's special rock.  The one he sings at.  Dean wasn't there and the area was free from all people, so I pulled myself up on that rock and soaked in the sun's heat.

It felt really good to have my tail back, and to be in the saltwater.  No matter how many baths I took, only saltwater could do my royal blue tail justice.

The next thing I knew, it was dark out.  But I stayed where I was.

I started humming a song, eventually singing the lyrics.

(We Intertwined by The Hush Sounds)

"In a field outside of town we could always be alone
Carry a blanket maybe a basket - and that's it
Innocence was the key I was locked up never free
Until you turned me

Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined)
Carelessly growing up and growing old
Life was on our tongues (on our tongues)
And it tasted heavenly so good

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

I knew this was a dream it was too good to be true
Coincidences were a bit much too
Who wants to wake up?
Who wants to lose it?
Who wants to live in this place?
I don't, so I'll be sleeping in

Like vines we intertwined (like vines we intertwined)
Carelessly growing up and growing old
Life was on our tongues (on our tongues)
It tasted heavenly so good

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

Blankets here keep me from cold
Holding tightly my pillows
Frantically searching for her
Inside my head she's somewhere
She is somewhere

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad song

I wake up and I feel alone
I was just asleep
Right where I belong
Inside this sad, sad, sad song"

"You're a mermaid!"  And excited voice behind me called.  I dove into the water, half expecting Dean.  But instead, a little girl stood on the beach in awe.  Her parents were no where to be seen, so I swam up to her slowly and pulled myself up on the beach next to her.

"Hello there.  What are you doing out here all alone?"  I asked.  "I went out for a walk.  I live right there."  She pointed to a house off the secluded beach a ways.  "What's your name?"  She asked, a big smile on her face.  I couldn't help but smile back.

"My name is Castiel, but you can call me Cas.  What's your name?"  I asked.  "My name's Megan and I'm six!"  Her smile never left her face.  "Oh really?  I have two younger siblings that are six as well."  I tell her.  "You do!  How many siblings do you have?  I'm an only child but my mommy said I'm gonna have a brother soon."

"That's exciting!  I have six siblings.  Five brothers and one sister."  Her eyes go wide.  "Can I meet them?"  She asks.  "Maybe someday.  But you have to promise not to tell anyone ok?  It will be out little secret ok Megan?"  She nods quickly.

"You have a really pretty voice.  You must have a lot of girlfriends.  They must all be really pretty as well."  She says this so casually.  "I actually don't have a girlfriend."  "Why?"  She was so confused.

"Because I'm married!"  I say it in a silly voice since she was so young.  "Oh!  Is your wife pretty?"  She sits down next to me.

"Well Megan, I actually have a husband."  She cocked her head to the side, once again confused at what I said.

"I thought boys could only marry girls."  She says.  I smile a little bit.  "Well you can marry whoever you want.  Whether they are a boy or a girl."  I tell her and she starts smiling again.

"Is your husband handsome?"  I smile and start blushing.  I give a quick nod and her smile grows.  There is no better feeling than making a little kid smile.

"Ok, well it's getting late and you should get to bed."  It really wasn't that late, but she was six.  She nods sadly.  "Can I touch your tail before you leave?"  She asks hopefully, giving me puppy dog eyes.  I nod and she carefully brings her hand close, just hovering above my tail like she was scared.  I gently take her small hand in mine and place it on my tail.  She starts giggling and pulls her hand back.

"It's slimy!"  She was still smiling.  I start to pull myself back into the water telling her goodbye.

"Goodbye Megan!"  I say.  "Bye-Bye Cas!"  She calls back.  I dive into the water and swim back home.  She was a really sweet kid.

When I get back home and dried off, I walked in through the backdoor and went straight to the kitchen.

"Cas?  Is that you?"  I heard Michael call from somewhere in the house.  "No it's a murderer and I'm here to kill Gabe."  There was a pause.  "Ok!  Well don't get blood everywhere!"  He calls back.  "You're an asshole!"  Gabe calls to Michael from upstairs.  There was stomping and a door being busted open, followed by Michael's very girly screaming.

Lucifer pops his head in the kitchen.  "Dean came over earlier looking for you.  He's upstairs in your room."  I nod and head up the stairs.  "Your door stays open and you keep it PG up there!"  He calls after me and I mock him in a high pitched voice as I get to my room.

I throw my door open and find Dean asleep on my bed.  I changed my clothes and join him.  Dean's arm wraps around me and pulls me close, indicating he wasn't asleep.

"Hello Dean."  I whisper.  "Hi Cas."  He presses a kiss to to back of my head.  He sniffs my head.  "You smell like saltwater.  Were you swimming?  I thought you were afraid of swimming."  He questions.

"I-I've been trying to get over my fear."  Is all I say and Dean hugs me closer.  "Proud of you."  He whispers.

It was a quiet for a while, just the two of us breathing in sync.

Then Gabe being the homewrecker he is...  Had the audacity to open my bedroom door, dab, then walk out.  Not saying a word.  I rolled my eyes and fells asleep while Dean laughed at my idiot brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2016 ⏰

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