Jack Daniels

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You said close your eyes and remember this

liquor on your chapped lips tastes like recklessness

Can we stay like this

Forever seventeen in the back seat of your car. no clothes required

I'm what you want you're what i need; goosebumps, dark skin, and hickeys.

We don't do this for the release we do it for the moment after

If you'll hold me as we fall from the sky

so high, though we never even left the ground

Maybe then you'll realize it was never a game for me

I wanted to be the girl with the guy on the football team

You must've moved on by now

word travels fast in small towns

and want you to know I can still remember it

Jack daniels on my chapped lips tastes like broken promises

If you ask me that night is the only one I was forever seventeen

You don't want me anymore, now all i need is another bottle of you

I don't do it for the burn of it down my throat

I do it for the moment after

When everything is a haze and I finally feel something other than pain

And I fall to the ground

a broken bottle of you

Jack Daniels

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