I guess im growing up

2 0 0

Too young to be wise too old to be a child

We stop to look around and feel the pangs of our past being truly behind us

We are free to do what we want

Be what we want

But we stand at the edge looking at the long drop down.

Its really high up

I don't think I can do this

but they've called my name and it's far too late for second thoughts

I try not to trip as I walk across the stage

I am handed my wings

and as I walk off the stage I leap

I am unsure of how to fly

I don't know where I need to head

But if I could just maybe not crash into the ground that would be great

I'll follow behind all the others for now

and maybe , when I'm older and a bit wiser

I'll be able to soar like I've always dreamed

But for now I'll just hang my diploma on my dorm room wall

Poetry That BreathesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora