"5 guys were killed in an alley way. No evidence. What kind of crap is that?" A male with dirty blonde hair, Akira, fussed as he turned off the television after watching the news.

"Akira-san, look at this." Akira's acquaintance, Shiroyama Yuu handed him his cell phone, which had pictures of something shadow like. Akira examined the pictures, scrolling left, scrolling right. Still examining. He hummed and scratched his scalp, confused.

"Nah, that has to be a photoshopped. That's a shadow. With horns. How could that be real?" Akira was in doubt. He looked at them again, "Yep, not real."

"Did you even read the article?" Yuu gave Akira a disapproving look. Akira shook his head and read the article.

"There was a strange shadow caught in the alley way, etc etc....An investigator had stepped on the shadow and it immediately disappeared....." Akira sighed.

"Does that tell you anything at all?" Yuu asked and took his phone back, putting it in his pockets.

"...I don't know."

"Well, you keep on thinking. They are still investigating on the case." Yuu says as he started walking away to his computer. Akira hummed and crossed his arms across his chest as he kept looking through his phone. He was still examining the picture as well. The new multitasking feature on his iPhone wasn't really helpful. So, he usually just use his new iPad Pro for research.

There was a strong wind that went through the window of the house. The papers flew everywhere. "Shit, Yuu, close the window." He commanded. Yuu went to shut the large window, then the other window, then, the front door. Akira sat up from his slouch on the chair, "What was that?"

"Strong winds, but I don't recall the weather man saying there was gonna be a storm though.." Yuu mentioned. Akira hummed and had thought about it.

"Ghosts aren't real... Right?"

"Of course not."

The door was busted open by Kouyou's loud outburst through the door. Kouyou is Yuu's boyfriend, they try not to make out and stuff around Akira. "Guys! What the hell is up with the weather? I thought Yuu said that it was gonna be pretty nice out!" Kouyou complained.

"Gomen ne, blame mother nature." Yuu shrugged and sat down on the couch and Kouyou sat next to Yuu, but on the arm of the couch.


"Ghosts aren't real...." That devil, Takanori. He looked out his window at his large apartment complex. He originally lives in hell, but instead he wants to also live his half human life in Tokyo.

"But Hell is...." Takanori moved away from the window and walked to his kitchen, sighing.

"Only use your demonic powers when necessary..."

"I know that. You don't have to tell me twice." Takanori sassed and made himself a cup of wine and went to sit at his dining room.

"Sometimes I have to because you don't listen."

"Goshujinsama*, I always listen to you." Takanori said with a smirk as he sipped his wine.

"Not always."

"Whatever." Takanori sipped more of his wine and jumped slightly in fright when he heard someone knocking at his door. "Coming!" He stood up and went to the door. But he didn't realize he didn't have pants on, only a long sweater that length to his mid thighs and he also had on leg warmers. He opened his door and saw a packaging man. "Oooh, my package came. Thank you!" He signed the packaging receipt after grabbing it and setting it to the floor.

"Welcome. Um, do you have a boyfriend?" The packaging man asked.

"No." He gently slammed the door and walked away from it. He picked up his package and sat it on his table and opened it, removing all of the bubble wrap.

"Yeess, my beautiful, self-sharpening kitchen knives." He cheered and pulled out a knife from the wooden knife holder. He examined it and looked at his reflection, "Oh, so shiny." He put it back in the knife holder and put the entire set on the counter, neatly next to the stove.

He left the kitchen to get to his living room and sat down on his couch.

"Taka-chan, I found someone. His name is Akira. He seems very....hmm..."

"Oblivious?" Takanori was able to finish his sentence in a questioning matter.

"Yes. That's it. I want you to find him. You have 96 hours, which is 4 days to find him. If you don't find him by then, you'll receive a punishment. You wouldn't quite enjoy."

Takanori's master's voice was hoarse and deep, making Takanori's body shiver. He sighed, "Okay. But I might be able to find him sooner than that. Challenge me."

"72 hours?"

"Okay, I'll take the 72."


Takanori grunted and leaned his head on the table. He has 72 hours to find this Akira guy. But wait..., "What do I do with him once I find him?"

"Manipulate him. Make him yours. Create a relationship with this guy. And kill him. Once you kill him, he will be chosen by me and he will also be a human devil."

Takanori smirked, "But what if he's not attractive?"

"You have no choice, Takanori."


||A/N: Sorry guys it took me a while to update. I've been kinda busy and stuff, but I finally updated a little chapter here. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! ^•^

*Goshujinsama- master||

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