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A month has passed since the their dinner "date". Even though it was only a friend on friend thing. Today, Takanori was asked on another friend outing, but to the park instead. They will be going in the evening so that they can see all the lights of Tokyo, the rainbow glowing pond, and maybe stop for some American food.

"Takanori, I'm going to need you to pull yourself together. Stay in control of your body." Takanori's master said.

"Yeah yeah. I know. But I can't keep any promises you know." Takanori responded as he was getting himself dressed. He was dressing in a pair of ripped black legging and a black and white stripped sweater that exposed his shoulders, but he wore a spaghetti strapped tank top underneath it. That sweater wasn't so long, length to his lower belly. Some of his skin will be showing. The arm sleeves are pretty long though.

"Keep yourself protected. There's something going on in the Red Light district. Keep your eyes open and watch out. Use your powers when necessary, you hear?"

Takanori rolled eyes and sighed, "Hai, Goshujinsama..." Takanori had started doing his hair, curling it in a style and pinning it to the side. He also grabbed his little make up kit he had and started applying eyeliner to his eyes and also eye shadow. Just a little. There was also the lip part he could not forget. He applied a bit of lip gloss onto his lips. Then, the perfume. "I'm ready to go now."

All he needed was to slip on his knee boots. He looked at himself in the mirror. The parts of his thighs' skin was exposed from those rips of his favorite black leggings. He made sure everything was in order before he left.

"All good." Takanori grabbed his cell phone, keys, prescription glasses, and his Louis Vuitton handbag he likes to carry around. He put on his glasses and left the house with his needed belongings, locking the door behind him.

He was a bit nervous, but not as nervous as last time they met. Their "date" was about to go slightly wrong because of Takanori's exposed fangs, but Akira didn't notice them yet.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his phone ringing in his hand. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Akira calling. After tapping that green icon, he put it towards his ear.

"Hey Akira. I'm on my way. "

"Great. Great. I'm here, so, when you arrive, you'll see me sitting on the bench outside the park."

"Alright then. I'm not too far from there. Um, is there an ice cream stand nearby?"

"Yeah. There's a truck, but I'm sure they're about to close. It's almost 8pm."

"Crap, I want some ice cream. Oh well. Well, I'll be there in a few. Byeeeee." Takanori hung up the phone and sighed. He wishes he can just tell Akira so that this pressure could get off his chest. He hates this feeling. Plus, he likes Akira.

Takanori was been with other men, but it wasn't for real. It was only for manipulation and killing to be part of the devil's clan going on. He wish he doesn't have to do this to Akira, but if he does, then, Akira will be with Takanori forever maybe.

You can't predict on what happens in the future.


Takanori has finally arrived to the park where Akira said to meet. He was sitting right at the bench where the path starts. Takanori approached the male, turns out he was on his cell phone. He leaned in to Akira's ear, smirked, and - as gently as he could - bit it causing Akira to jump up in fright. Takanori laughed and covered his mouth from laughing louder.

"Hey!" Akira made a slight fuss and laughed.

"Oops, gomen ne. Did it hurt?" Takanori asked.

"No, not really."

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