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I ran into my room and flopped onto my bed i really am getting stupid i dont even know him,why be like this?im stupid.Im going to go over this right now!,I hoped up put my ipod into my ipod dock and turned on Timeflies-Swoon (Play song now ) I was dancing around my dorm doing cray cray stuff i was cleaning while dancing hahahaha people call me weird and i guess i know why....This song is ma JAM! Damn i kept on saying that and it is!!!!! Hahah I stood infront of the mirror i had on the back of the door and i was bored.With my look Yup i was going to do it..Im going to die my hair...Blond...;OOOOIM CRAY CRAY I grabbed my keys and i ran ma ass out of the school thingy and ran to the nearest shop i could find i went in and i went to the hair section i found the perfect colour!I went and pay'ed for it and then while i was passing a piercing shop i saw a girl my age getting her lip pierced ...Ima do it..IMA BE REBEL..............................I went in and i payed to get my lip pierced ....I was getting my bottom lip on the left side yup i was doing it and i wasnt really scared?Normal...


Yep I scream And it was shit sore.I was nearly crying ,but i got over it i got back to my dorm well...I was walking down the hall and i Saw Joshua...He saw me and stopped doing what he was doing and guilt was writing all over his motha ass face and i flicked it of i just walked and got into my dorm...I went ahead and died ma hair i did it before so i knew how to do it...I was done I blow dry'ed my hair and looked in the mirror...Wow I was different looking....Holy crap...Shit is scary ...I put my hand trough my hair and touch my piercing I actually looked nice!!Damnnnn I started to twirl around and then i fell...Smashed right into something hard then fell on my bum...Not nice...pretty sore..."Having fun down there?"I heard a familiar voice say i looked up to find Joshua Smirking at me."Yeah I am Thank you very much"i retorted back then i stood up facing him"Wow what happened you look so"He tried to say while staring at me in confusing"Lip pericing and Hair dye you like?" "You look amazing Jasmine" "Thanks But i'ld rather not" "Rather not?,what you mean? "I'ld rather not get humped then dumped"I said bitchy and then opened the door and walked out leaving him thinking.

I was pretty hard on Tyler Earlier so im going to make it up to him i went and knocked on his door and he answered "Look ty Im sorry about earlier i didnt mean to be like that to you i was suppose to be pissed at Josh and you said noting bad really about me..please forgive me?i said but whispered the last bit and head was looking down until Tyler lifted me chin up with him hand ...Shirrtless Tyler...;o

"Hey,its okay dont worry about it ,Look at you peirced up and hair dye'd ,you look so different!"He said with a bit of laughter"Bad or good different ?" "The very good,Wanna come in?" He invited me in?Good or bad?I'll pass i think i should tal to Josh..."Umm Maybe later?I think i'll go talk to Josh.." "Ahh yeah you should he's been on the down bar the last few hours after what happened.." "Yeah ,but its his fault" "He didnt mean it in the way you taught and me and Zack got it wrong to.." He retorted...

I just looked at Tyler smiled then walked back to my dorm..i opened my door and Josh was sitting on the floor next to my bed "Josh,look im sorry okay,i talked to tyler just there and he said we got the wrong idea and i hope he is telling the truth,your a really nice guy and i want to get along with you ,but not in a way that i sleep with you i dont even know your 5 days lol and this stuff is happening.."  "Yeah Jasmine you got it wrong i swear i meant in a way that as a friend a guy friend but then things wen't a different way and things were said im so so sorry"i could see guilt in his eyes"It's okay no more fights promise?" "Promise but lets make it real get your camera " I picked up my camera and walked over to him "what are we doing ?"i chuckled "Just watch give me the camera" he took it and told me to face him so I did and then i heard him whisper 3..2...1.SNAP (Picture on te side),he took a pic i jumped up and took the camera and look at the picture i was sooooo cute!It looks like were boyfriend and girlfriend by the way it is.."Its so cute" "I love it"he smiled a Happy smile! XD 

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