Part One

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Just after The Witch's Familiar

"You know I've just had a very clever idea", Missy lilted with a twinkle in her eye. The ground began to crumble beneath her feet and the Daleks looked around worried. Her vortex manipulator was as dead as a human, so pretty much useless to her, but there was something that was useful to her. "Explaaaaain! Explaaaaain!" they shouted in their usual monotone way.

"Tell ya what dears, how much do you love Davros?"

"Davros the creator is supreme, supreme, supreme!"

"Well guess what, five minutes max, he's going to gooooooo splat"

"No, Davros will survive, Davros is supreme".

"Trust me he's not, buuuut there's one way you can come out of this alive and I have full control of the Doctor in a pretty dress and fabulous hair".


"I suggest a deal..." said Missy, her long skirt flitting around her ankles as she bounced around the evermore cracking floor.

The Daleks paused for a minute, some occasionally sliding around as the panels split like tectonic plates.

"You will see the Dalek Supreme. The decision must be ma-"

"Oh come on Dearies, make a decision for once in your life! You're just like the Cybermen, with their "hive minds""

"We are not Cybermen, we are Daleks. The Cybermen will be exterminated".

"Well, prove it. Listen to my deal". The Daleks stayed silent and a smile crossed Missy's face as she toyed with the brooch on her jacket.

"The Mire, one of the strongest races in the universe and, if I remember, your distant relative?"

"The Mire are enemies of the Daleks, they have taken Dalek weaponry, they will be exterminated!"

"Yes, but they are distant relatives, aren't they?"


"My daughter, she is a Time Lord, a very clever time lord at that. She is living in a village about to be hit by the Mire. Was supposed to visit her, but got distracted by Doctors and

Claras and other things. If you take me to her, you can have it all. The Mire will be yours for the taking, human slaves and, well, the greatest prize of all - The Doctor. He knows Ashildr's in the Viking camp, in fact he erased her memories himself to stop her developing my 'mentality'. He'll be there, trust me. I telepathically linked them ages ago, so whenever she's in danger he's like a magnet to, well, another magnet".

"If you betray us Time Lord, we will-"

"Exterminate me? Will take you a while, but, why not? So, we have a deal?"


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