Part Six

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Quickly Missy ran out the TARDIS door, wiping away the remains of her foolish tears. She had deleted any sign of her from the camera data banks, but had downloaded a few videos of the Doctor waltzing around the console with his guitar onto her device for good measure. She wanted the Doctor to not see her coming, she would be his little surprise. "But first to Donna Noble", she thought to herself, cocking one eyebrow mischievously. Tapping in her co-ordinates into her newly fixed vortex manipulator, made from parts of the TARDIS, she whizzed away. However she had to keep the Doctor guessing, didn't she? So there just before she went, she placed one of her Victorian style handkerchiefs on the ground. It was her favourite too, a snow white one with a deep purple rim and in the corner a silhouette mirroring the one on her brooch. The Doctor would spot it from a mile away, and he'll tremble in fear at her return, which in some ways Missy wanted.
The next moment she was on an empty street somewhere in Chiswick. She took a lucky guess that Donna wouldn't move too far away from her beloved Grandfather. However, a little bit of help never went amiss, so she had also uploaded the tracking software from the TARDIS core that updated the last known location of anyone that had stepped foot in the TARDIS. The Doctor may have not seemed like it, but he was a nostalgic man, especially for one that wasn't fazed by his time running out. It was dark, and the only light was from a few dim streetlights lining the sides of the street. Missy checked her GPS tracker again and it quietly led her down several lanes and backalleys until she reached a small terraced house on the edge of a busy road. She smiled to herself, her white teeth shining in the moonlight, and she watched as one bedraggled figure moved in the darkness. Rapidly tapping in a code into her device, she pointed it at the window and let a greenish coloured beam shoot out from it. It hit the window with a smash and the woman behind it promptly fell out, stunned by the incoming light. She fell faster and faster front the second floor window, but Missy wasn't fazed. The fall would just keep her stunned for longer. But her conscience got the better of her so she swiftly pulled out two small disks from her pocket. They were a small cog shape, with gold and blue flecks on them. Missy flicked them from her fingers, so they hit her straight in the shoulders and then she pulled out her sonic mascara from her device. It buzzed lightly and Missy looked on as the two cogs stopped the woman falling, then gracefully brought her down to the floor.
"Anti-grav. cogs. Works every time", Missy whispered, before putting away her sonic and running over to the unconscious woman. She was dressed in normal style work clothes, with her red hair covering most of her face. "Donna Noble, the most important woman in the universe, the destroyer of the Dalek race, the one that saved the Doctor numerous times, today I save you..."

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