Part Fourteen

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Donna was sat up, rasping for breath, a halo of orange around her head. She had hours to live, but all of her memories were back. The Doctor rushed in and sat beside her, but gulped as he saw the state that he had left her in.

"It's okay Donna. I have a way for you to live, with your memories".

"So what's the catch?" she chuckled.

"No catch", he answered, but Donna didn't look convinced. "Okay, you'd be immortal".

"Say what now?"

"Immortal, live forever". Her smile tilted and she nodded. He guessed that was her consent, so he carefully placed it in the centre of her forehead and it melded into her skull. She sighed as the halo disappeared into the air. The Doctor could only wonder what he had done, and if it was good or bad. For now she was a three way hybrid - human, Time Lord and Dalek/Mire. But she would be fine, she just needed to get used to it for a while. He held her hand tight and then decided to go and check on Ashildr. God knows where she was and, knowing the size of the TARDIS, he almost certainly knew she was somewhere lost. Pretty much all of his companions had somehow got themselves lost and he had to save at least two of them from drowning in the swimming pool or getting burnt by the heart. But as he walked out of Donna's room, he looked down the corridor to see Ashildr hunting through one of the cabinets.
"Find anything interesting?" he called down at her, making her jump and drop the huge pile of leather bound books in her hand. They clattered to the floor and the Doctor winced, seeing his collection damaged.
"I'm so sorry", she answered, picking them up and placing them back on the shelf cautiously. "I was looking for the bathroom and I ended up in a library".
"Hmm..." he hummed, heading towards her.
"You've got quite a collection, Theta", she smiled, obviously quite proud that she had found his real name.
"Time War Chronicles?"
"Yup. Why'd you drop it?"
"Memories, my love. Bad ones. You've seen the chronicles, you've seen my part in it. Theta was the name I killed them all with..."
"And Doctor was the name you saved them all with".

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