Part Five

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"Activate voice interface, code word: Donna Noble", Missy shouted into every corner of the TARDIS. Soon a hologram appeared before her, Chiswick personified and all. Long ginger hair was cropped at her shoulders and encrusted in her face were two sparkling sapphire eyes. Golden hoops protruded from behind her choppy flicks of hair and her face was emotionless. She was a hologram after all. "What happened to you Donna Noble? Why'd the Doctor leave a woman that he admired and cared for so much without a word goodbye?". She stared into her sea blue eyes and saw just behind her pupils was a million pieces of computer data flying around in the empty blackness. "You have cameras on board don't you?" Missy asked her.

"Correct", she replied in a monotone, but somehow sassy tone.

"Runs every second of every day that the Doctor's been in here?"


"When does the footage get deleted?"

"The footage is stored for unlimited time in the TARDIS data cloud". Missy smiled at this answer, wondering to herself what the cameras could have caught the Doctor doing.

"Show me footage of Donna Noble, it was... just before the Doctor's tenth, no eleventh, the one with the Converses talking in French all the time".

"... Footage found". The console whirred and for a minute Missy thought they were actually going to dematerialise. But instead another the hologram of Donna disappeared and then reappeared with what could only be described as a matchstick man in a trench coat. His brown hair spiked up in upright waves and on his feet were a pair of slightly battered red Converses. "Hello Doctor", Missy thought to herself in a somewhat flirtatious way, but then she snapped out of it, knowing what damage she could cause to her and Doctor's relationship if she cheated on him with, well, himself. Donna walked over to the door of the TARDIS, her face becoming more relaxed and human. It then came to Missy what this actually was: a play?
"It's not enough Doctor, is it? You can't just watch a screen, you have to make your voice interfaces actually act it out for you. Bet you're not even paying 'em", Missy said out loud.
The Doctor took his position near the door and watched as Donna skipped around the console. This must have been after she absorbed the Doctor's regeneration energy.
"I thought we could try the planet Felspoon. Just because. What a good name, Felspoon. Apparently, it's got mountains that sway in the breeze. Mountains that move. Can you imagine?", she said cheerily, turning to face the Doctor. Carefully she pulled back her auburn hair and put it behind her ear. Missy sat back in the Doctor's armchair with her legs swung over the arm. She quickly kicked off her boots and let them drop to the floor with a thump.
"And how do you know that?" the Doctor answered, happiness in his smile, but fear in his eyes.
"Because it's in your head. And if it's in your head, it's in mine".
"And how does that feel?" His voice became more concerned, like he knew he was going to lose her, but he didn't want her to know.
"Brilliant! Fantastic! Molto bene! Great big universe, packed into my brain. You know you could fix that chameleon circuit if you just tried hotbinding the fragment links and superseding the binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary". She gasp heavily and rubbed her pale blue eyes, pulling off half her mascara with her hand. She looked to the Doctor for answers, but always some compassion. That woman loved him more than anything in the world, but held back because she knew. She knew that she would be rejected for Rose. Rose, Rose, Rose, the love of the Doctor's life that travelled across the dimensions to be with him. The Doctor did the same, but unlike her, bulldozed down two caring loving women that got in his way.
"I'm fine. Nah, never mind Felspoon. You know who I'd like to meet? Charlie Chaplin. I bet he's great, Charlie Chaplin", she started, hopping over to the console and toying with the telephone. "Shall we do that? Shall we go and see Charlie Chaplin? Shall we? Charlie Chaplin? Charlie Chester. Charlie Brown. No, he's fiction. Friction, fiction, fixing, mixing, Rickston, Brixton-". She gasped more heavily and held her head in her hands, watching the Doctor walk over to her, looking mournful. "Oh, my God", she wheezed, looking deep into his eyes.
"Do you know what's happening?"
"There's never been a human Time Lord metacrisis before now. And you know why".
"Because there can't be", she knew it was ending, but there was stubbornness in her tone. "I want to stay".
"Look at me. Donna, look at me", he lulled, looking like he was looking at a dead woman walking. But to Donna, without her glorious memories of the Doctor and her, she was. A huge part of her was about to be torn out and destroyed, with no way of getting it back.
"I was going to be with you forever", she replied, with honesty and love lacing every word.
"I know".
"The rest of my life, travelling in the Tardis. The Doctor Donna", she smiled for a moment, reliving her beautiful memories, before it dawned on her that would be the last time she would ever be able to do that. "No. Oh my god. I can't go back. Don't make me go back. Doctor, please, please don't make me go back".
"Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so sorry. But we had the best of times".
"The best", he whispered, close to tears "Goodbye..." He put his fingers to her temple and closed his eyes.
"No, no, no. Please. Please. No. No", she pleaded, trying to resist his telepathic meld.
"No!" she calls and the painful shout echoes through the console room as she collapses into the Doctor's arms. The hologram then faded away, and Missy snapped back to reality, realising she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

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