Australia 6:30 AM

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We all flew into Australia to finalize the plan and head to the states, our first stop is in Florida. This is my first time being out of my home country,Sweden, I flew in with Felix. Colleen arrived an hour after us and Johnnie flew in from California. Alex flew in from Arizona, Jeydon from Canada, Kyle from Ohio, Bryan from Nebraska,and Shannon met us at the Florida airport. We boarded the plane to Florida and left.
We've arrived in Florida and it's so beautiful here, there were a plethora of fans waiting for us at the airport. I heard so many screaming fans it was most magical. I heard one girl especially loud "I LOVE YOU MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" We stopped and took a couple of pictures before getting the truck to the hotel, a place I thought would be quiet was filled with even more fans screaming and crying. "Is it always like this for you guys?" Colleen questioned. "Almost always" Ashton replied with a hearty chuckle
I stopped to take a couple of pictures before filling with concern. I got a bad feeling so I said bye to everyone and headed into the hotel where I was politely escorted to my hotel room. Michael,Calum,Luke,Ashton and their crew shared a room while The other boys decided to stay in another since it was only one night. I was splitting a room with Alex,Shannon, and Coll all the people I used to look up to, now we are together ON TOUR. Soon after I got settled the rest of crew came in all escorted to their rooms, the show was in six hours that means three hours of sleep and two hours and forty-five minutes to roam

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