Michael Pov

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I rounded the corner and saw Colleen and Amaliana sitting in the car. I jogged over, "I thought you guys were heading back to the hotel?" I questioned out of breath. "We were going to, but we couldn't just leave you guys without a ride." "I'm not that low, Michael!" She exclaimed with anger in her voice, still mad from what happened earlier. "I'm sorry, I know you're not." I apologized "Look Amaliana, what happened wasn't Luke's fault please understand, it was Calum's he knows that Luke likes you and he wants to ruin every possible chance of you and him happening, just so he can have you to him self" I explained " Well, he did a great job a showing that he liked me tonight, Didn't he?" She yelled gripping the steering wheel. I didn't respond, she needs to calm down. We drove back to the hotel in silence to pack our bags and head to the airport for tomorrow shows. We arrived at the airport early so we could meet some fans and get ready for the next state, Wisconsin,. We all boarded the plane. Ashton sat with Luke to keep Calum away from him. Luke and Amaliana still haven't talked to each other. "Hey Coll, switch me seats really quick." I whispered "Why?" she questioned " Just, I need to talk to her c'mon, just switch me, please!" I begged "Fine" she said annoyed. We switched seats, Amaliana looked over angered. "What do you want Michael Gordon Clifford! She spat "Look Liana, can I call you Liana ?" She didn't respond "Well, please don't be mad at Luke, he really likes you and it sucks to see you mad at him while Calum gets to hang out with you and please forgive him." I said long winded. " He didn't have to treat like a dog!" "Why should I forgive him, actions speak louder than words and thoughts in the end" she blurbed out without giving me a chance to speak, tears welting in her eyes. " Now go back to your seat!" She cried out. "Sorry" I murmured before switching seats back with Colleen, soon after I drifted to sleep and awoke at the airport of Wisconsin.

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