Florida 9:30 PM Amaliana Pov

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It was my turn next, I saw Luke approaching me as Calum rushed ahead of him to wish me good luck. "Thank you Calum" I said with a hug. Luke turned and left with a small wave as they called me on stage. There were so many people, I took a deep breath. "Hi guys, how are y'all doing tonight?" The crowd erupted into multiple answers. "So, tonight I'm gonna cover "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten and then we'll chill." I said with a giggle I began to sing and once I finished the crowd applauded. "Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?" I questioned trying to make a joke "why?" The crowd screamed back "BECAUSE THE P IS SILENT" I roared with laughter. I thought it was really funny, to be honest. I finished my set and the boys came back on stage to finish the night off. After they performed, Luke came and asked me if I wanted to head out to the nearby pub with him and Michael. "Um, sure. But can I bring Colleen?" I asked knowing she liked Luke. "Yeah, sure" he replied sounding a bit disappointed. I went and got Colleen and we headed out. "I can't believe Luke invited me, US out" Colleen exclaimed. I let her believe that, I didn't want to hurt her feelings. We went to the eating side of the pub since none of us were the legal age to drink in America. "I guess we Aussies mature quicker than the Americans" Michael said with a giggle. All of a sudden Calum walked in sitting beside me. Coll nudged me, knowing of my crush on my him. "Ash went out with Bryana so, I figured I'd hang with you guys" he said glancing over at me. Bryana is Ashton's model girlfriend and they are the cutest! I reminded myself "Cool" I said with a giggle trying to hide my blushing cheeks. I looked over at Luke who seemed frustrated now. "Excuse us" Colleen chimed in with a hint of nervousness in her voice pulling me to the bathroom "I hate to admit Amaliana, but I think Luke likes you and not me. That's why he gets frustrated." Colleen admitted with a sad voice "I'm sorry Coll, I know you like him" I said abashed. we walked back to the table where Luke had disappeared. I ran out to look for him while Coll stayed and chatted with Calum and Mikey. I found Luke about a block away sitting on a bench. "Hey, what's wrong Luke?" I questioned "Nothing you'd care about Amaliana! You are so inconsiderate! Go back with Calum" He snapped at me, tears began to fill in my eyes and I took off running back to the pub. "Amaliana, what's wrong?" Michael, Calum, and Coll asked in unison. "Nothing" I huffed out. "I'm gonna head home. Thanks for a good time." I said with a faked smile. "Hey guys, I'm gonna head out too." Coll said hurrying after me. As we walked back to the car we passed Luke on bench "Amaliana!" He screamed I kept walking as he ran after us. "I don't want to talk Luke, have a great time tonight!" I steamed more tears welting in my eyes as I picked up the pace. He gave up and stormed off. The drive back to the hotel was silent.

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