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You say you are in pain ? Do you even know what pain is ?

You say life is hard ? Do you even know what ''hard'' actually means ?

Always be grateful because not everyone is lucky as you...

People suffer each minute you are breathing, if only you knew...

Bombs are falling from the sky, 
People are running in fright to save their own lives...

You wish your mother stops interfering in your ''personal matters'',

while mothers cry over losing their children...

You complain about the food being half-cooked,

while others are dying out of hunger...

You always asking for money to buy new branded clothes,

while some teenagers are wearing only a plain cloth everyday...

You spend your whole time on the social websites,

while others are pleading to God to gain justice and peace...

Stop making your world evolve around your desires...

Instead try to comprehend the ordeal of others by putting yourself into their shoes...

If you can't notice the sufferings of others, you are far from being human...

And if you're far from reality, you're far from humanity.


The sole aim of this poem is to SENSIBILISE.

This poem has no rhyming scheme as others, not perfect, not beautifully written, But I just hope that it has touched everyone's hearts. It is specially dedicated to the people who dies in Syria and Palestine, The ones suffering in Rohingya, the ones dying in Africa. I would never want to say dedicated to only Muslims, because i believe that what is being human that counts.

As I kept reminding myself of the people who are going through a hard time, I felt encouraged to rise up and voice out how i feel about them, how I really want the world to be, how I really want the world to act.  I just want to spread the message of peace, and always wish to be able to end war. Soon It will end. If God Wills.

Thank you...

My WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ