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" This world is not a wish-granting factory."
-John Green.


No matter how calm you may seem, there might be a flame of anger raging inside...
No matter how happy you might look, there is a time when you find yourself yelling, wailing, "I want to die!"

Perhaps there might be a hidden persona, who is infact calm and naive,
But you choose to display the opposite, wild and cohesive...
You might be having a delightful, colourful mind, yet you tend to portay it as full of negativities...

But dear, It's all okay, because they don't know the real you,
It is only you who controls what to show...

Loosen up, since they are all stages of starting to live the way you want,
So don't bother to pretend to be someone you are not...
For it will only break you, and not gonna make you a Bigshot,

And honey, we all are broken in some unrecognized ways,
Know that we choose to keep them out of our way, hiding our scars and mistakes...
Some by flaws, some by grace,
We all have to embrace the things life throws at us...
Know that the happiest faces don't necessarily have the best of everything,
they just make the best out of everything that they come across...


Well I've always tried to look on the brighter side of life after facing the trials. Usually i'm a rather introvert kind of girl. I speak only what I need to and I keep away from many people. I prefer keeping to myself than having conversations with strangers. As a part of growing up, I've started to know myself. I started to appreciate myself and let go of all the past things. Most importantly, ive learnt to live happily. That's when i started to write. Writing makes me free...makes me feel confident...feel awesome in the way i am. Writing makes me evade from the bitter reality, the ugly society. I am inspired and i hope to be inspired. ^_^
Thank you <3


Dedicated to:

A beautiful soul, IsmailZabi
Who helped me with the ideas, inspired and encouraged me always...

My "thank yous" for you are unlimited ^_^

My WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora